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(Games marked with "x" are suitable for kids confined to beds)

1. x The jungle animals leap

Akela prepares pieces of paper, each with the name of a jungle animal. Duplicate names if necessary for numbers. Akela tells the Cubs that the jungle animals have been taking exercise. They have been jumping and might land on anyone’s bed. Akela throws a piece of paper to each Cub. These are the animals landing. The Cubs look at the name printed on the paper, but must not tell anyone what it is. Each Cub in turn describes his animal and the others guess its name.

2. Musical papers

Sheets of newspapers are put down on the floor. The Cubs walk round the room in single file and must walk over the papers when they come to them. Akela plays on a comb or piano. When the music stops if a Cub is on a paper he falls out

3. Throwing relay

One Cub from each Six throws as far as he can a match box, a button, a square of paper. Each Six counts a point for the article which has gone farthest. Each Cub has a chance to throw.

4. x Jungle animals

The Pack forms a circle round Akela, who calls out the name of a jungle animal, such as “wolf.” The Cubs say: “When I’m a wolf I howl like this” (all howl). Akela calls out “Baloo.” The Cubs say: “When I’m Baloo I walk like this” (walk round looking very important). In the same way they act Kaa, Chil, and the Banderlog, but when Akela calls out “Shere Khan” all Cubs run to a home at one end of the den.

If the Cubs are in bed, they can cover their faces with their caps before Akela touches their beds.

The first Cub caught by Akela before reaching “home” takes the place in the centre.

5. Animal kingdoms

The Pack sits in a circle. One Cub goes to the middle. He calls out someone’s name and then makes a running motion with his hands. The Cub whose name has been called must give the name of an animal that lives on land before ten is counted. If he fails he goes to the centre. For an animal which lives in the water a rolling motion must be made with the hands, and for a bird a flapping motion.

6. x Greetings

The beds are arranged in rows to represent teams. On the signal “Go” the first Cub turns to the second one, says “How are you,” salutes and shakes hands. The second Cub repeats this to the third Cub, and so on. The first team to finish wins.

7. x Laughter

Akela stands where all Cubs can see him. He throws up a handkerchief and immediately the Cubs start to laugh and continue laughing until it touches the floor. Any Cub laughing too long loses a life. Give three chances.

8. x Noises

The Pack is divided into two. Each Cub writes on a slip of paper something which makes a noise (i.e. donkey, car, hooter, etc.). These are collected in two caps. Every Cub draws one in turn and makes his noise. If the other side guesses what it is before Akela counts five that side scores a point.

9. x Zoo

Each Cub takes the name of an animal. One Cub is chosen to call out any animal’s name that he knows is in the Pack. The Cub who has that name must put up his hand before it is called twice.

10. x What animal am I?

Each Cub has the name of a jungle animal pinned on to his bed where he cannot see it, but where some of the others can see it. The Cubs ask each other questions about themselves until they guess what name they have been given. The answers may only be “Yes” or “No.”

11. x Hands up

The Cubs hold up two hands. Akela touches a bed quickly. The Cub tries to put down his hands before Akela succeeds. The hands must be raised again immediately.

12. x The other Cub

Akela points to a Cub and asks him a question (i.e. “How many brothers have you?” “What is your favourite colour?” “What did you have for breakfast this morning?”). The Cub on the left of the one questioned must answer before Akela counts three. If he fails to do this, or if the Cub at whom Akela points answers, either of them loses a life. Each Cub has three lives.

13. Sheep dogs

The Pack is divided into two and a “pen” is marked at each end of the room. A sheep dog is chosen from each flock. The sheep run about crying the number of their pen, either “One” or “Two.” The dogs round up their own sheep, one at a time, and drive them into the pen (they must submit to being driven). When a certain number is in the pen, say six, the dog barks outside the pen. The sheep must then come out and follow him, in line, to the shepherd, who stands on one side of the room. The dogs can be distinguished by wearing caps if they cannot crawl.

14. x The money box

The Cubs are in two lines. At one end of each line on a chair is a match box, with the lid off; at the other end, a button. The button is passed up the line and put into the match box by the Cub nearest to it, the lid put on, and the box is then handed down the line and put down on the chair.

15. x Towers

The Cubs are in two lines. Four cotton reels are on a table at one end. These are passed down the line, separately, and the Cub at the end builds them up, one on the top of the other.

16. x Alphabet relay

A large sheet of brown paper is in front of each Six with a piece of chalk by it. The Cubs write each letter in turns, until the whole alphabet is written. Any letter which is not legible loses a point. For bed cases, the sheets of paper are passed from one bed to another.

17. x The photographer

One Cub is chosen as photographer. All the others must be perfectly still. He may say or do anything he chooses, but any Cub who smiles or moves, falls out. Eliminate until three are left, and then choose another photographer.

18. x Tidying the Six box

The Cubs pretend to be tidying their Six box. The first Cub mentions one thing that he takes out, the second repeats it and adds another article, and so on. Any Cub omitting an article previously mentioned falls out.

19. x Good food

Each Cub is given the name of a good food, i.e. brown bread, milk, lettuce, butter, orange, apple, etc. The Cubs do not know each other’s names. Each Cub is given a chance of asking all the others in turn: “Who are you?” He tries to remember all the foods. At the end the Cubs each have a point for every food that they can remember.

20. x Under the water

Akela tells the Cubs that they are about to jump into a swimming-bath to pick up some tin plates which have been dropped in, and therefore they must each take a deep breath, as they cannot breathe whilst under the water. At the word “go” they each take a deep breath and then let it out again with a whistling note. The one who is the last to stop whistling is considered to have come up with the most plates.

21. x Pass the cap

A Cub cap is passed from bed to bed. When Akela claps his hands, the Cub who holds the cap folds his arms, and when it comes round again it passes over him.

22. x The invisible ball

Akela throws an imaginary ball to one Cub. He places his hands over his ears. The Cub on his right places his right hand over his right ear, and the Cub on the left places his left hand over his left ear. The game proceeds until all Cubs have their hands over their ears.

23. Fans

The first Cub says to the second: “My ship has come home from China.” The second one says: “And what did it bring?” The first Cub answers: “One fan,” imitating the use of a fan with his right hand. All the Cubs fan themselves with the right hand. Still fanning, the second and third Cubs repeat the game, but the second Cub’s reply is “Two fans,” imitating the use of the fan with the left hand as well as the right. All the Cubs copy this. As the game continues, for three fans the Cubs add the head movement: for four fans the eyes look left and then right; for five fans the mouth opens and shuts.

24. Topsy-turvy race

The Cubs start running towards an appointed goal. When the whistle blows they must turn and run backwards towards the starting-point. When the whistle again sounds, they turn and again run towards the goal, and so on until one of them actually reaches the goal.

25. Ships on fire

The Cubs stand in a circle in pairs. One Cub is in the centre. He calls out: “Ship on fire! Sail! Sail!” The Cubs on the outside of the circle run left, those on the inside run right. When they hear the cry “Fire’s out” they try to find their partner and stand together. The centre Cub may usurp the place of any one of them, and the one who is out then goes into the centre.

26. x Traffic lights

The Cubs wander about. When “Yellow” is called they stand still, at “Red” they sit down quickly, at “Green” they run or walk. Coloured papers may be held up instead of the words being called out.

For bed cases:

At the word “Green” the Cubs make the noise of a car; at “Yellow” they clap their hands once; at “Red” they shut their eyes and keep quite still while they count five to themselves.

27. Banderlog tails

Akela tells the Cubs that the banderlog have been fighting in the jungle and have pulled off each other’s tails. The Cubs hunt for these (bits of grey wool hidden).

28. x Counting cars

The Cubs are in a circle. Akela points to one, who must say a make of car before five is counted. If he cannot think of one he is a car which has broken down, and either sits outside the circle or is missed out once, but comes in again later when he is considered to be repaired.

29. x Shopping

One Cub says: “I have been shopping.” The others ask: “What did you buy?” The answer must be something that a Cub can touch, e.g. jersey, cap, blanket. The next Cub continues and must buy something different. Each Cub has a chance, but must not buy anything mentioned before.

30. x Shops

Each Sixer has a paper and pencil. Akela gives the name of a shop, i.e. grocer, chemist. The Cubs all tell their Sixer different articles in that shop, whilst he writes them down. Afterwards the lists are compared, and any article which is the same crossed out.

For bed cases:

As above, only each Cub must whisper an article to Akela, who writes it down.

31. Hitting the numbers

The Cubs are in teams. On an upright board mark out squares with numbers. Each Cub throws a bean bag at the board and scores the number that he touches. Each, team adds up the number at the end.

32. Where shall we buy it?

A pile of papers are put at one end of the room, on which various articles are written, such as toothpaste, rice, coat. At the opposite end of the room squares are chalked on the floor with types of shops, i.e. chemist, grocer, draper. Each Cub in turn must put an article in the right shop.

33. Pick and pass

The Cubs sit down in two rows, facing one another. They are told off alternately, the first being a Pick, the second a Cup, the third a Pick, and so on; the last one being a Pick. A pile of stones or beans is placed at one end of each row. At the word “Go” the Pick takes up a stone, places it in a Cup (the Cub’s hands cupped together). The next Pick takes the stone and places it in the next Cup, and the last Pick of all places the stone upon the floor.

As soon as the first stone is passed on, the next one may be taken up, but a Cup may never contain two stones at the same time.

34. Balloon race

Give each Six a balloon and on the word “Go” the first Cub pats the balloon to the second until it reaches the end of the Six. If it touches the ground before reaching the last Cub, the race must be restarted.

100 Special Needs Games for Boys






Additional Information:

Peer- Level Topic Links:
[ Pack Games & Relays ] Star Test Games ] Nature Games ] Sense Training Games ] Acting Games ]

Parent- Level Topic Links:
Confined to Bed ] Games for Blind Scouts ] Games for Deaf Scouts ] Developmentally Disabled ] Ambulatory Able Games ] 100 Additional Cub Games ] 1. Signaling ] 2. Knots ] 3. Semaphore ] 4. Compass Game ] 5. Kim's Hiding Game ] 6. The Zoo ] 7. Form of Kim's Game ] 8. Bag ] 9. Magnetic Fishing ] 10. Mixed Grill ] 11. Beans and Spoons ] 12. Tommy ] 13. A Test Match in the Ward! ] 14. Orange on Ankle Team Race ] 15. Sit Down in Threes ] 16. Human Body Game for Cubs ] 17. Balloon Race ] 18. A New Tag Game ] 19. On the Spot ] 20. Union Jack ] 21. Letters in Sandpaper ] 22. Kim's Stocking ] 23. Hockey for Blind ] 24. Operation Rocks ] 25. Obstacle Race ] 26. Obstacle Race ] 27. Potato Race ] 28. Bun Snapping ] 29. Compass Points ] 30. Word Squares ] 31. Hidden Personalities ] 32. Relay Race ] 33. Dickie Bird Race ] 34. Magic Discs ] 35. Stop, Caution, Go ] 36. The Touch Game ] 37. Waves ] 38. Caps ] 39. Cricket ] 40. Twiddlum ] 41. Cricket ] 42. Heads ] 43. Goalkeeper ] 44. Balancing ] 45. Tennis ] 46. Fishing ] 47. Noisy Mug ] 48. Bean Game ] 49. Nursery Rhymes ] 50. String Circle ] 51. Smell, Taste, Touch ] 52. Plasticine ] 53. Button ] 54. Highway Code ] 55. Suggestions for Cub Concert ] 56. Things With Different Uses ] 57. What Is It? ] 58. The Seasons ] 59. Crambo ] 60. Flag Pelmanism ] 61. Flag Tiddlywinks ] 62. Jigsaw Postcards ] 63. Spotting ] 64. Museum Hunt ] 65. Nature Alphabet ] 66. Things in Strange Places ] 67. Code Messages ] 68. Noises that Break the Silence ] 69. The Best Red Indian ] 70. Special Pack Meeting ] 71. Buzz ] 72. Grab Bag ] 73. Stringing Race ] 74. Lost Boy ] 75. Ring the Stick ] 76. Crocodile Dodge Ball ] 77. Traffic Lights ] 78. N.E.S.W. ] 79. Break Out ] 80. Non-Stop Cricket ] 81. Hare and Hounds ] 82. Piloting the Blind ] 83. Open Country in the Ward ] 84. Musical Knots ] 85. Cot-Case Donkeys ] 86. Knotting Story ] 87. Slap Signaling ] 88. Feeling Leaves ] 89. Steeplechases for Bed Cases ] 90. Actions ] 91. Newspaper Observation ] 92. Descriptions ] 93. Paper Keys ] 94. Silence ] 95. Sounds ] 96. The Rummage Bag ] 97. The Locked Bag ] 98. Sentences ] 99. Serial Stories ] 100. Buying Equipment ] 101. A Wood Summer & Autumn ] 102. So Says ] 103. Pantomime Rhymes ] 104. Verses While You Wait ] 105. Throwing Up Lights ] 106. Proverbs ] 107. On the Underground ] 108. Pairing Off ] 109. Something to Guess ] 110. How Do You Like It? ] 111. The Ship's A.B.C. ] 112. Geographical Letters ] 113. Musical Magic ] 114. Prize Pigs ] 115. Hidden Treasure ] 116. Historical Scenes ] 117. Tasting ] 118. Telegrams ] 119. The Alphabetical Sentence ] 120. Dotty Pictures ] 121. Do You Know London? ] 122 The Christening ] 123 The Zoo Game ] 124 Gardening ]

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Last modified: October 15, 2016.