This game is a good one in that it makes people think.
Two players are chosen and they commune together in
whispers and so select some particular word.
Then they
converse together aloud and so throw light upon their
chosen word.
If their word has a variety of meanings so
much the better.
Say the choice is " box ", the cross-
conversation will run like this:
1st: I bought one the other day and find it very useful
for keeping little odds and ends of things in.
2nd: Yes, I have a large one made of cardboard.
1st: Do you know my brother is learning it?
2nd: No, does he get knocked about much while doing it?
1st: We have quite a large tree of it, but it grows very
After a while some member of the guessing party calls
out, " I have a light."
The two Leaders then take him on
one side and question him to see if he is correct.
If he is
he joins the two and helps them to continue the conversation; but should he be on the wrong track he is declared
wrong and, as a punishment, is made to sit facing the wall
until the particular word has been thrashed out.