It is really surprising how an individual can be directed
to do certain things without a word being spoken. The
present game depends on this property of the mind.
one is told to go out of the room and re-enter when the
piano is played. Before the music strikes up, the company
decides that the absent one is to come in and do a certain
act. It may be that he has to pick up a certain cushion on
the sofa and put it on a particular chair, or take a book from
the shelf and put it under the couch.
When all is ready
the piano begins to play loudly and in comes the individual.
He looks round rather aimlessly and then picks up some
object. If it is the thing he has to deal with the music
becomes soft; but if, as is at first probable, it is not the right
article, the piano grows louder. According to the musical
strains being soft or loud so he keeps to an article or leaves it.
When at last he alights on the proper thing he is made aware
that he is on the right track by the soft pedal.
He now takes
the object, looks around, and walks, perhaps, towards the
door. The increasing sounds of the piano tell him that that
move is wrong, and he turns about and goes up to a chair.
The piano grows soft, for that, we will say, is what he has
to do.
In this way the fun continues, and according to the
strains of the music so he is directed to perform the act