Wood Music
by Ernest Thompson Seton
The Degree of Wood Music will be conferred on any one qualifying in ten of the following: 1. Qualify as song-leader in Council by leading on at least 15 occasions. 2. Tell the difference between a poem, a ballad, a lyric, a round, and a song, giving examples, and show why a true song is best for the camp. 3. Describe the Negro spiritual and show why it is a true song, however crude. 4. What is the musical place and value of the college and camp yell? 5. What is the psychological value and place of the tom-tom ? 6. Explain honor chants and shame rhymes and give examples. 7. Give one or more musical calls to Council. 8. What is the value and place of rousers? 9. Distinguish 25 birds by their song. 10. Distinguish 8 kinds of frogs and toads by their song. 11. Name 4 wild creatures that use a drum. 12. Name 2 animals, other than birds, that whistle. 13. What wild creatures use a fiddle and what a rattle? 14. Be a bugler. 15. Use the lumberman's horn for camp calls. For "How To" Information, See: The Birch Bark Roll |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.