by Ernest Thompson Seton
The Degree of Camper may be conferred on any one who takes ten of these tests (the first four being required) 1. Choose a one night camp site, preparing for rain and protection from insects. See Totem Board. 2. Describe in detail how to build a latrine (toilet). 3. Describe in detail how to dispose of the camp garbage and refuse. 4. Light fifteen fires in succession with fifteen matches, at different places, one at least, on a wet day. 5. Put up a two-man tent alone, ten times, for actual service, ready for storms. 6. Make a fire with rubbing-sticks of own preparation. 7. Boil water in fifteen minutes with one match, one log, one axe; one quart of water in a two-quart pail. All work to be done alone. 8. Make a rod bed, or a mat, of wild material. 9. Make a rainproof roof of wildwood materials. 10. Cook twenty-one digestible meals with ordinary camp outfit, for at least three persons, or equivalent. 11. Describe in detail how to make a raft. 12. Sleep out 100 nights (no roof but canvas, not necessarily consecutive nights), or 30 consecutive nights. 13. Travel 500 miles, all told, in canoe, on foot, or in saddle, sleeping out. 14. Have charge of a camp of five or more for seven suns (one week) and keep all going in good shape. For "How To" Information, See: The Birch Bark Roll |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.