Little Planter
by Ernest Thompson Seton
The Degree of Little Planter may be conferred upon any one who accomplishes nine of these tests 1. Demonstrate by specimens the characteristic differences between mosses, lichens and liverworts. 2. Identify ten species of mosses. 3. Identify five species of lichens or liverworts. 4. Describe in detail the life history of a slime mold, and identify five species. 5. Identify five species of poisonous mushrooms, and tell how they may be recognized. 6. Identify 15 species of edible mushrooms. 7. Identify ten species of non-edible, non-poisonous mushrooms. 8. Make spore prints of ten species of mushrooms or ferns. 9. Identify fifteen species of ferns. 10. Make blue or ink prints of ten species of ferns. 11. Describe in detail the life history of some fern, and discover and identify a protrallium. 12. Find and identify four species of horse-tails. 13. Find and identify four species of club-mosses. 14. Identify five species of sea weeds. 15. Make a mushroom bed and raise at least a half bushel of edible mushrooms. For "How To" Information, See: The Birch Bark Roll |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.