Pink or White Streaked
by Ernest Thompson SetonPink Flowers, or White Streaked with PinkTrailing Arbutus (Epigaera repens). In sandy or rocky woods; generally distributed in eastern America. Blooms in spring, March to May. Twin-flower (Linnea borealis). In cold woods of the northern half of the continent and southward along the high mountains. Blooms June to August. Spring Beauty (Claytonia Virginica). In moist wood throughout eastern America. Blooms March to May. Queen Orchid, or Showy Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium reginae). In swamps, Nova Scotia to Minnesota and south to Georgia. Blooms June to September. Purple Moccasin Flower (Cypripedium acaule). In sandy or rocky woods; Newfoundland to Minnesota and south to the Middle States. Blooms May and June. Rose Pink (Sabbatia angularis). In rich soil New York to Ontario and south to the Gulf States. Blooms July and August. Showy Orchis (Orchis spectabilis). In rich woods, New Brunswick to Minnesota and southward to the Middle States. Blooms in April and June. Flowers violet or purple streaked with white or light purple. Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia). In sandy or rocky woods, New Brunswick and Ontario, southward. Blooms May and June. Pink Azalea (Azalea nudiflora). In dry woods, Maine to Illinois arid southward. Blooms in April and May: |
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