First Aid Class
by W. Edgar WylieCharacters:Five or more. Properties:Triangular bandages or any other First Aid equipment which may be introduced. Action:The one who is teaching the class gives each of them a triangular bandage and stands out in front to lecture them. "Now the first thing to remember is to keep your bandages sanitary always," he says. One pupil drops his, on the ground and steps on it in picking it up. A second rubs off his shoes with his and another one wipes his face on his. Instructor goes on talking and asks each one to tie certain bandages. All tie the crudest and worst bandages they can and he looks them over, and says, "That's fine, you're learning fast." Then he says that enough bandaging has been done and that they'll have an oral quiz.
Any number of questions of this sort may be used to good advantage as long as the characters do not laugh. To end it, the teacher says, "Well, I guess you fellows know more about this than I do, we might as well quit." W. Edgar Wylie, Scout Executive, Bay City, Mich. |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.