By A. E. HAMILTONStories by Firelight and Emberglow0ne of my boys was sent to camp by his father under vigorous protest. Camp was just summer-school, an out-door jail. The boy sulked through the first three days. At Sunday Even-Fire his eyes wakened. On Monday he was a different boy. He had listened to John G. Neihardt's "The Song of Hugh Glass" rendered into story-prose by one who had felt every word of the poem as one feels the shock of a dive into cold water, or the glow of warmth from an open fire. Story-hour had kindled his imagination with a spark dropped in his soul. Years later that boy became a counselor. He did everything well except the telling of stories. There he was weak and felt his weakness. One winter he quit college work, re-enrolled as a special student, betook himself to the library and spent six months saturating himself with some of the finest stories of all time. He read diligently, and re-read. He built an indexed card-system of concentrated book and story-reviews. He practiced telling stories to Boy Scouts at weekend meetings. He found varied audiences and retold the same story a dozen, a score of times, each time better than the one before. He no longer needed to look for chances to storyize. He was in perpetual demand. By the time summer came he had mastered half a dozen stories, and knew a dozen more tellably well. He came to camp, and we all sat wide-eyed in astonishment, as though by a miracle the dumb had learned speech and the music of spoken words. Here was inspiration to the boys. "Gosh! if I could ever tell stories like that!" And this counselor, not content to exhibit his new-found powers only, was quick to encourage the practice of this, one of the oldest of human arts, among the kids. He had set them an example. Next he gave them opportunity for emulation. Then he took particular pains to teach, usually by indirect suggestion, how best to make a story live vibrantly. How to Do It
The Environment
The Right Ending
Omit Commentary
Only the BestThere should be no room at camp for anything but the best in story-telling. The wealth of classic masterpieces of the art is so great that it cannot be exhausted in a score of summers. The good story is wanted again and again. Interest grows with repetition. Summer after summer boys will listen to "The Count of Monte Cristo." Hanford Burr's "Around the Fire" stories never grow old or threadbare. The story of "Joseph" if told in boy language and not in the lingo of Sunday Schools is immortal. Develop Good "Teller"But let us remember, above all, that telling the story brings more to each boy than listening to it. Let us pass on the art of the story-teller to the campers, boys or girls. Give 'them every opportunity to practice this, an almost lost art, among their fellows. Prime them first to be brief. Their comrades may tire of a lengthy attempt by one not versed in story-telling. But they will listen eagerly to brevity, however amateurish. And encourage preliminary reading, and reading aloud, except when spontaneous tales from the camper's own imagination are in order. But to either, set a time-limit, preferably by a warning signal given to the eye, not to the car (a nod of your head, a raising of your hand). A stick, or small totem, in the storyteller's hand, may be passed from one boy to the next in order around the circle. Thus stories go the round without interruption from outside the magic ring. A Little PraiseThen, let no story-hour go by without a word of praise to each spokesman either before his fellows, or afterwards to himself or herself alone, or both. Nothing will encourage young boys more than a friendly pat on the back concerning such a work of creation. If a criticism is in order, make it positive, and smother it with commendation for well-doing. Make each story a step toward telling it again, or venturing upon another. A Look AheadAnd, at close of camp, make it a point to liven every camper toward learning good stories during the winter, to bring to camp another season. Thus will the tradition of story-hour, the spiritual atmosphere of firelight and emberglow develop and unfold itself into the choicest and most deeply valuable of all camp activities. By A. E. HAMILTON, Sebago-Bear Mountain Camps and T. R. Ranch See Also:Campfire Story TellingErnest Thompson Seton on Story TellingF. Haydon Dimmock's Good Story TellingBibliography for Camp Fire Stories |
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