Wide Games!More ambitious than typical outdoor games is the wide game (also known as field games, or cross-country games). Here is a collection of 84 different wide games from different sources!
Night GamesA complete guide to nighttime Scouting activities and training. Includes 42 night Scout games designed to train the senses in an environment in which the dominance of sight is greatly reduced.
Outdoor Games1. Team Games
Birch Bark RollThese are the original "Scouting" Games,
Scouting GamesThe classic book of games by Baden-Powell,
Rough & TumbleDan Beard
Pioneer GamesRenegade
War Games For Boy Scoutsby G. S. Ripley Scout games "including selected
War Games Additional Scout Stalking Games by Ripley
Outdoor Laser Tag Alternatives
Relay Games
Native American "Indian" Games
Scout Games for Disabled Boys
Game Leadership The classic introduction by Charles F. SmithDan Beard Games:Spring Activities For Boys:
Summer Activities for Boys:
Autumn Fall Activities for Boys:
Winter Activities for Boys:
Winter Snow GamesSnowball
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