Safety in the DenWhere there are boisterous games it is necessary to remove, out of harm's way, all things which are likely to cause injury e.g. tables, chairs, ropes and equipment not necessary for that game and especially anything sharp or pointed. Remember safety in the home and treat the Pack Meeting on the same terms - look out for things likely to lead to accidents. Safety on the RoadAll Otters should be taught NOT to cross the road unless it is absolutely safe to do so. It should also be stressed that the Otter should ALWAYS WALK when crossing the road and NEVER RUN! Scouters will escort Otters across the road nearest the Pack meeting but the best way to ensure no accidents is to have the Parents collect the Otters as well as to bring them. During the time they are in our care we must show "due diligence" and be extra careful. Pack outings must have sufficient supervision to enable at least ONE Scouter to be free of a Den so that he/she can keep a general eye on things. First AidWe should all be in possession of an adequate First Aid Kit within the Pack. This should contain the normally required items to cope with cuts and scratches, grazes and bruises and the Kit should be easily accessible to all Pack Scouters. With the Kit should be a small notebook into which should be entered all details of injuries received by either Otters or Scouters giving the name, date, time, location and nature of the accident and the treatment given and by whom. A current edition of the First Aid Manual should also be available and kept with or near the Kit. Any head injury which appears to have concussed the injured person should be dealt with at the nearest hospital. Pack Scouters should be trained in First Aid to the American Red Cross, St John Ambulance Emergency, or equivalent standard. A First Aid Kit WILL be carried on all Pack outings. If you are not equipped to deal with it get someone who can! Child Abuse PreventionLegal duty to report. The Child, Family and Community Service Act, section 14(1), requires any person who has reason to believe that a child (under 19 years of age) has been, or is likely to be, physically harmed, sexually abused or sexually exploited by a parent or other person or needs protection under section 13(1) (a)-(k) of that Act, is to promptly report the matter to a Child Protection Social Worker. Section 13(1) (a) to (k) of the Act reads: (A) If a child has been, or is likely to be, physically harmed by the child's parent; (B) If the child has been, or is likely to be, sexually abused or exploited by the child's parent; (C) If the child has been, or is likely to be, physically harmed, sexually abused or sexually exploited by another person and if the child's parent is unwilling or unable to protect the child; (D) If the child has been, or is likely to be, physically harmed because of neglect by the child's parent; (E) If the child is emotionally harmed by the parent's conduct; (F) If the child is deprived of necessary health care; (G) If the child's development is likely to be seriously impaired by a treatable condition and the child's parent refuses to provide or consent to treatment; (H) If the child's parent is unable or unwilling to care for the child and has not made adequate provision for the child's care; (I) If the child is or has been absent from the home in circumstances that endanger the child's safety or well-being; (J) If the child's parents are dead and adequate provision has not been made for the child's care; (K) If the child has been abandoned and adequate provision has not been made for the child's care. Section 13(2) further specifies: For the purpose of subsection 13(1)(E), a child is emotionally harmed if the child demonstrates severe
If the child is in immediate danger and requires police assistance, they should be called without delay. The obligation to report remains, even if a person believes someone else will make a report about the same situation. In addition, the duty to report overrides any duty of confidentiality established between persons and/or clients, with the exception of client-solicitor relationship. Failing to promptly report suspected abuse or neglect to a Child Protection Social Worker is a serious offence under the Child, Family and Community Service Act. So is knowingly making a false report. Both offences carry a maximum penalty of a $10,000 fine, or six months in jail, or both. No action for damages may be brought against a person for reporting information under the Child, Family and Community Service Act unless the person knowingly reported false information. When a Child Protection Social Worker learns that someone may have failed to report child abuse or neglect, or has knowingly made a false report, they assess this information. If they believe there has been a failure to report, or that false information was reported, they inform the Police, who may investigate and recommend charges under the Child, Family and Community Service Act. |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.