Signaling Exhibition
Patrol Exhibition Sending ContestThis contest wins the applause of any audience when performed well. Try it at rallies, public demonstrations and especially at parents' meetings. Each Patrol enters a team of accurate senders. Line up the Patrols in parallel single file, and station a judge in front of each Patrol. Have a prominent person in the audience (warned in advance) write a message of about 25 letters. The Scoutmaster calls the first word and spells it out with a pause between letters. The instant after a letter is called the Scouts send it slowly and gracefully. The judges keep count of errors, which are easily detected even by a person who knows nothing about the code. The team with the fewest errors wins. Tips to ScoutmastersAs an easy number to precede this contest, let the Scouts send the alphabet. Be sure to try the contest at a Troop Meeting about two weeks before the demonstration. Invariably all the Patrols will make some mistakes and see for themselves that they must practice. Let the Patrol Leaders pick their own teams from among those who appear for practice. If it is convenient to extinguish lights, sending may be done with flashlights. |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.