American Boys Handy Book
By Daniel "Dan" Carter BeardNote: about 1/4 of the contents of this book can be found on The Inquiry Net. Some of the following content can be found by following the season heading link over the chapter heading, or use the Inquiry Search Box. SPRINGCHAPTER I.KITE TIMEMan Kite; The Woman Kite; A Boy Kite; Frog Kite; The Butterfly Kite; The King Crab Kite; Fish Kite; The Turtle Kite; The Shield Kite; A Star Kite; The Chinese Dragon Kite; The Japanese Square Kite; The Moving Star. CHAPTER II.WAR KITESUnarmed War Kite; Armed Kites; Armed Kite Fighting; How to Make the Knives; How to Make Cutters; Kite Clubs. CHAPTER III.NOVEL MODES OF FISHINGThe Bell Pole; Jugging for Cats; The Dancing Fisherman; Toy Boats for Fishing; The Wooden Otter; Fishing for Fresh Water Clams. CHAPTER IV.HOME-MADE FISHING TACKLEThe Rod; Tin and Spool Reel; The Forked Stick Reel; Home-Made Nets; A Home-Made Minnow Bucket; Inhabitants of the Water. CHAPTER V.HOW TO STOCK; MAKE; AND KEEP A FRESH-WATER AQUARIUMStocking; The Frog; Gold-Fish versus Bass; Aquarium Cement; CHAPTER VI.HOW TO KEEP AQUATIC PLANTS IN THE HOUSE OR FLOWER-GARDENWater-Lily; Cat-Tails. CHAPTER VII.HOW TO STOCK AND KEEP A MARINE AQUARIUMCement for Marine Aquaria. CHAPTER VIII.HOW TO COLLECT FOR MARINE AQUARIUMSUMMER.CHAPTER IX.KNOTS; BENDS; AND HITCHESHow to Make a-Horse-Hair Watch-Guard; Miscellaneous; Whip--Lashes; Splices; Timber-Hitches; etc. CHAPTER X.THE WATER-TELESCOPEHow to Make a Wooden Water-Telescope; A Tin Water-Telescope. CHAPTER XI.DREDGE, TANGLE, AND TRAWL FISHINGA New Sport; The Tangle; The Trawl; How to Make a Bake-Pan Dredge; A Tin-Pail Dredge; How to Make a Broomstick Tangle; The Old Chain Tangle; Hints and Suggestions to Amateurs; The Use of the Tangle. CHAPTER XII.HOME-MADE BOATSBirth of the "Man-Friday" Catamaran; The Crusoe Raft; The Scow; A Floating Camp, or the Boy's Own Flat-Boat; The Yankee Pine. CHAPTER XIII.HOW TO RIG AND SAIL SMALL BOATSSimplest Rig Possible; Leg-of-Mutton Rig; The Latteen Rig; The Cat Rig; How to Make a Sail; Hints to Beginners. CHAPTER XIV.NOVELTIES IN SOAP-BUBBLESEvery Boy his own Bubble-Pipe. CHAPTER XV.FOURTH OF JULY BALLOONS; WITH NEW AND NOVEL ATTACHMENTSCHAPTER XVI.HOW TO CAMP OUT WITHOUT A TENTHints to Amateur Campers; Provisions; Shelter; Choosing Companions. CHAPTER XVII.BIRD SINGERS, ETCThe Block Bird Singer; The Corn-Stalk Fiddle; The Pumpkin-vine Flute; A Pumpkin-vine Flute; Cane Fife; The Voice Disguiser; The Locust Singer; The Hummer; CHAPTER XVIII.BIRD NESTINGHow to Collect and Preserve Eggs; Birds' Nests; Preserving Nests. CHAPTER XIX.HOW TO REAR WILD BIRDSRobins, Thrushes, Wrens, and other Small Birds; Squabs; The Cow Blackbird; Wrens, Sparrows, and Finches; The Bobolink; The Catbird; Robins; The Brown Thrush, or Thrasher; The Wood Thrush; Bluebirds; The Summer Yellowbird; The Blue Jay; Humming-Bird. CHAPTER XX.HOW TO REAR WILD BIRDS--Continued.The Crow, Hawk, and other Large Birds; The Hawk; The Hawk as a Scare-Crow; The Hawk as a Decoy; Owls; Sea Birds; Strange Domestic Fowls. CHAPTER XXI.HOME-MADE HUNTING APPARATUS; ETC.Spearing Fish; How to Make a Fish Spear; How to Make the Torches and Jack-Lights; How to Make the Boomerang; To Throw a Boomerang; The Miniature Boomerang; The Whip-Bow; Throw Sticks; The Bird Bolas; The Elastic Cross-Bow. CHAPTER XXII.HOW TO MAKE BLOW-GUNS, ELDER GUNS, ETC.To Make a Blow-Gun; Squirt-Guns; Elder Guns and Pistols; The Spring Shot-Gun. AUTUMNCHAPTER XXIII.TRAPS AND TRAPPINGS.Rats; The Paper Pitfall; Jug Trap; The Mole and How to Trap Him; The Figure Four; Mole Trap; The Tollgate Trap; The Partridge Snare; Set-Line Snares; The Spring Snare; Hen-Coop Trap. CHAPTER XXlV.DOGSHow to Choose a Dog; How to Train Dogs; To Teach a Dog to Retrieve; Pointers and Setters; Pet Dogs. CHAPTER XXV.PRACTICAL TAXIDERMY FOR BOYSSkinning; Stuffing; A New Manner of Preserving Fish; Design for Sketching Aquarium; Preserving Insects; Morse Insect Box; The Lawrence Breeding Box; Spiders; How to Make Beautiful or Comical Groups and Designs of Insects; Marine Animals. CHAPTER XXVI.EVERY BOY A DECORATIVE ARTISTShadow Pictures; Photographic Paper; How to Enlarge or Reduce a Picture, etc.; How to Enlarge or Reduce by Squares; How to Make a Camera for Drawing; WINTERCHAPTER XXVII.SNOWBALL WARFAREHow to Build Snow Forts; How to Make Shields and Ammunition Sleds; How to Build the Fort; How to Make an Ammunition Sled; How to Make the Shield; Rules of the Game; A Snow Battle; How to Bind a Prisoner without a Cord; Company Rest. CHAPTER XXVII.SNOW-HOUSES AND STATUARYSnow Statuary. CHAPTER XXIX.SLEDS, CHAIR-SLEIGHS, AND SNOW-SHOESA Chair-Sleigh; Folding Chair-Sleigh; The Toboggan; Snow-Shoes or Skates. CHAPTER XXX.HOW TO MAKE THE TOM THUMB ICE-BOAT AND LARGER CRAFTCHAPTER XXXI.THE WINGED SKATERS; AND HOW TO MAKE THE WINGSBat Wings; The Norton Rig; The Norwegian Rig; The Danish Rig; The English Rig; The Cape Vincent Rig; A Country Rig. CHAPTER XXXII.WINTER FISHING, SPEARING, AND SNARING; FISHERMAN'S MOVABLE SHANTIES, ETC.Smelt Fishing and the Smelt Fisher's House; The Spears-man's Shanty; Snaring Fish; Spearing Fish; How to Build a Fishing House. CHAPTER XXXIII.INDOOR AMUSEMENTSBric-a-Brac, or the Tourist's Curiosities, Mind-Reading; Literary Sketch Club. CHAPTER XXXIV.THE BOY'S OWN PHUNNYGRAPHCHAPTER XXXV.HOW TO MAKE PUPPETS AND A PUPPET-SHOWHow to Make the Stage; The Scenery; The Old Mill; Puss; Corsando and the Donkey; The Royal Coach; Carabas; How to Work the Puppets; Stage Effects; How to Make a Magical Dance; How to Make a Sea Scene. CHAPTER XXXVI.PUSS-IN-BOOTS, DRAMATIZED AND ADAPTED FOR A PUPPET -SHOWAct I, Scene I: Landscape with Tree, Bridge, and Mill at one side; Scene II: Woods; Act II, Scene I: King's Palace; Scene II: High-road; Act III, Scene I: Interior of Ogre's Castle. CHAPTER XXXVII.HOW TO MAKE A MAGIC LANTERN: A KALEIDOSCOPE; A FORTUNE-TELLER'S BOW, ETC.A Home-Made Kaleidoscope; The Fortune-Teller's Box; The Magic Cask; How the Barrel is Made. CHAPTER XXXVIII.HOW TO MAKE THE DANCING FAIRIES, THE BATHER, AND THE ORATOR.How to Make a Handkerchief Doll; The Bather; The Orator. CHAPTER XXXIX.HOW TO MAKE VARIOUS AND DIVERSE WHIRLIGIGSPotato Mill; A Saw-Mill; The Rainbow Whirligig; A Paradoxical Whirligig; The Phantasmoscope, or Magic Wheel. CHAPTER XL.THE UNIVERSE IN A CARD-BOXCHAPTER XLI.LIFE INSTILLED INTO PAPER PUPPETS, AND MATCHES MADE OF HUMAN FINGERSTo Light the Gas with your Finger. CHAPTER XLII.HOME-MADE MASQUERADE AND THEATRICAL COSTUMESThe White Man of the Desert; The Fourteenth Century Young Man; The Medieval Hat; The Wig; Eyebrows, Moustache, and Beard; The Doublet; Trunks; Tights; To Dress; The Baby; How to Make a Handkerchief Hood. See Also:The American Boy's Handy Book:
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