Field & Forest Handy Book
| Some of the following content can be found by following the season heading link over the chapter heading, or use the Inquiry Search Box. CONTENTSPrefaceSPRINGCHAPTER IHOW TO MAKE A TAILLESS FILIPINOThe Bones; Backbone; Ribs; Pelvis; Neck Sticks; Illium Sticks; Skeleton; How to Put on the Skin; To Change Tailless Filipino to an Owl. CHAPTER IIAIRSHIPS, BROOM STRAW FLYING MACHINES AND KITESluna Kite; Details for Making Luna; How to Make Equal Lateral Triangles; A Paper Ruler; To Keep Wings From Closing; Second Set of Wings; Belly Band; A Broom Straw Hargrave; Broom Straw Frame of Fish Kite; Advantage of Broom Straws. CHAPTER IIIHOW TO MAKE A HERBARIUMCollecting Case; A Make shift Vasculum; Specimens; Knife; Press as Soon as Possible; How to Press; The Press; To Make a Portable Press; Dryers and Wrappers; Preparing Specimens; How to Take Field Notes; To Poison and Mount Specimens; Standard Herbarium Sheets. CHAPTER IVH0W TO PLANT QUAILQuail Farming; Breeding Field; Nest Boxes; How to Plant the Quail; Seed Birds. CHAPTER VHOUSES FOR USEFUL BIRDSHow to Make Swallow Boards, Robin Shelves, and Phoebe Brackets; Material for Nests; Bird Shelves; To Entice Barn Swallows to Build; Swallow Board; Roof; Bird Elocutionist. CHAPTER VIHOW TO MAKE FLYING CAGESMr. Dooley; Squirrel's Flying Cage; Wire Cloth; Make Plans Fit Purse; Framework; End Sills; Ridge Pole; Rafters; Doorway; To Make a Swinging Nest; Artificial Stump. CHAPTER VIIHOW TO MAKE A LAND AND WATER AQUARIUM AND HOW TO MAKE AND STOCK A VIVARIUMSides of Box; Aquarium Cement, Another Cement; Waterproof Paint; Bank board; Base board; Glass Front; Paint Thoroughly; Glass Top; To Prepare Land; Newts and Salamanders; A Vivarium. CHAPTER VIIIHOW TO BUILD A FIRE ENGINEMaterial; Valves, Blocks, Pump; Tin Pump; Pump Interior Arrangement; Truck; Tongue. SUMMERCHAPTER IXHOW TO MAKE A DIVING CART, POLES, SLINGS AND CHUMP'S RAFTS FOR BATHERSChump's Pole and Sling; Sling; Towel Loop; How to Use Rod and Sling; Swimming Master's Duty; Chump's Raft; Spring Board; Diving Cart. CHAPTER XHow To BUILD A CHEAP BOATSide boards; Spreader; Stem piece; Seats; Keel Board; Skeg; To Fasten on Skeg; Guard Rail. CHAPTER XITO CROSS A STREAM ON A LOGA Logomaran; Notch; Top view; To Make a Fibre Rope; A Dunnage Crib; A Blow Bed Raft; Fording Swift Streams; A One-man Ford; Pole Fording. CHAPTER XIIHOW TO MAKE A BRIDGE FOR SWIFT WATERSDams for Swimming Holes; Trout or Duck Ponds; A Brush Bridge; Straddle Bug; Straddle Bug Bridge; Dams; A Swimming Hole; Beaver Mats; Jack knife Water Wheels; Bridge Over Still Water. CHAPTER XIIIHOW TO BUILD SUBSTANTIAL PIERS AND BRIDGES AT YOUR CAMP OR SUMMER HOMEThe Crib; The Maul; King Post; Driving the Piles; Queen Post; Effect of Frost. CHAPTER XIVGATEWAYS FOR PERMANENT CAMPS OR COUNTRY HOUSESDaniel Boone Gateway; A Small Loophole; Davy Crockett Gateway; Base Wall; Stone Foundations; Methods of Preserving Timber. CHAPTER XVHOW To BUILD INDOOR PLAY HOUSES, SECRET CASTLES, AND How TO MAKE MYSTERIOUS TREASURE CHESTSMaking a Play House Out of Packing Cases; An Alcove Play House; Sidings; Two-story House; Captain Kidd's Treasure Chest; Concealed Castle; To Make a Chest; A Swinging Door; The Drop; How to Play Pirate; Captain Kidd's Men. CHAPTER XVIHOW TO CAMP OUT IN YOUR BACK YARDA Real Camp; Gypsy Crane; To Make a Pot Hook; A Camp Fire; A Good Cooking Fire; A Tent. CHAPTER XVIIHOW TO MAKE A REAL HUNTER'S CLOTHES AND MOCCASINSA Uniform; The Front; The Back; To Sew and Fit Sleeves and Cape; Cape Material; Fringe; To Make Buckskin Leggings; To Make Your Own Moccasins. CHAPTER XVIIIHOW To BUILD BEAVER MAT HUTS, CAMPS AND COTS, FAGOT HOUSES, ROADS AND FENCESCamp of Beaver Mats; Thatching; Beaver Mat Cottage; Fagot Hut; Fagot Roads, Paths, and Fills; Fagot Fence; Adobe House. AUTUMNCHAPTER XIXEVERY DAY WOODCRAFT FOR EVERY DAY PEOPLETo Make a Puncheon; To Chop Down a Tree; To Enlarge a Notch; Clapboards, Splits or Shakes; A Complete Outfit; Canoe Skids; To Split a Log; Rustic Vise; To Make a Withe; Fibre Rope and Twine; Thongs; Drinking Cup; Filtered Water; Blazed Trails; Camp Fire; Camp Kitchen Stove. CHAPTER XXCAMP COOKING AND HOW To BUILD AN ALTAR CAMP STOVE AND A CLAY OVENAltar Camp Stove; Fireplace; Oven of Clay; How to Use Oven; A Skinning Stick; To Cook a Muskrat; Flapjacks; Baked Beans; Bean Hole; To Plank a Fish; Log Cabin Stew. CHAPTER XXIHOW TO KEEP GAME AND FISH IN CAMPBig Tink Meat Safe; Macdonald Lake Meat Safe; Hot Air; Kootenay Fish Safe; Birch Bark Kootenay Fish Safe; A Stone Kootenay. CHAPTER XXIIHOW T0 PACK AND UNPACK IN THE WOODS Fish Rods; A Pillow; The Kitchen; Big Packs; Roping Packs; Shape of Packs; Man Packing; Portage Packing; Wilderness Packing; Bedroll. CHAPTER XXIIITHROWING THE SQUAW HITCHA Pack That Will Stay an a Horse; Diamond Hitch. CHAPTER XXIVHOW TO PACK A PACK HORSE AND HOW TO THROW THE DIAMOND HITCHHow to Use Sling Rope; How to Tie Sling Rope with Top; Sling Rope for Mountain Saddle; North Rocky Mountain Diamond; U. S. Cavalry Diamond; Load; For Practice. CHAPTER XXVPAGE HOW TO PACK A DOG AND HOW TO MAKE THE PACK SADDLEA Dog's Pack; To Pack the Dog; The Lash Rope; How to Tic a Halter Knot; To Lash the Pack; The Bags; A Dog Saddle; Decorations. CHAPTER XXVIMAKING DIFFICULT CAMPS OVER THE WATER OR ON A SWAMPReal Difficulties; The Crib; A Comer Post; Layer of Small Boughs; Camp on the Marsh; Lodge Poles. CHAPTER XXVIIHOW TO MAKE JACK KNIFE DOOR LATCHESMost Simple and Primitive Latch; Pioneer Latch String; Foot Latch; Gunner's Latch; Tippecanoe Latch; Secret Locks. CHAPTER XXVIIIHOW TO BUILD A REAL LOG HOUSEGumption; Straight Spruce Logs; After Logs Are Peeled; Door, Window and Fireplace Openings; The Chimney; Fireplace; Plainest Forms of Mantels; Oiled Clay as Cement; Roof. CHAPTER XXIXHOW TO BUILD AND FURNISH A SURPRISE DEN IN A MODERN HOUSEThe Surprise Den, 325; If Your House is in the Country, 327; Doorway, 3 2 7; I low to Make a Door Latch, 3 2 7; The Interior of a Den, 330; Luxury of an Open Fireplace, 332; How the Puncheon is Cut, 333; Furniture, 334. WINTERCHAPTER XXXNEW WINTER CAMPS, AND HOW TO BUILD THEM AND HEAT THEM.Comfortable Camp; A More Elaborate Camp; The Door; The Birch Bark Roof; A Winter Camp; A Dixie; The Mossback; The Brunswick and the Northwood; The Red jacket; Pontiac; A Safe Heater; A Camp for the Night; A Big Bonfire; Wind Shields. CHAPTER XXXIHOW TO MAKE SNOW HOUSES AND SNOW MENAfter the Snow Balls Have Been Welded; The Igloo; Excavating; The Site; Snow Men and Animals; The British Lion. CHAPTER XXXIIHOW TO PUT ON SNOW SHOESTussle Logan Toe Strap; Details of Process of Fastening a Snow Shoe; Snow Shoe in Use; Proper Snow Shoe Costume; Positions. CHAPTER XXXIIIHOW TO BUILD A JUMPER, OR HUMPDURGIN, AND A GUMMER, IN THE WOODSTools and parts of Jumper; The Runners; The Shafts; Auger Holes; Frame; Braces; Gummer; Runners; A Tandem Rig; Body of jumper; Whiffletree; Horne Made Sleigh Bells. CHAPTER XXXIVHOW TO MAKE A SKIBOGGAN, A BARREL STAVE TOBOGGAN, AND A TOBOGGAN-BOBSkiboggan; Barrel Stave Toboggan; Materials Necessary; Stem Blocks; A Third Runner; A Light Toboggan Bob; Rear Axle Blocks; King Bolt; Front Axles; To Prevent Sheering. CHAPTER XXXVHOW TO MAKE PLAIN SLEDS AND BOB SLEIGHSNative Sleds of the Ohio Valley; Double Runner, Traverse or Bob sleigh; Reach Board; Flushing Bob Sleigh. CHAPTER XXXVITHE VAN KLEECK BOBThe Sleds for the Bob; Reach Board; Van Kleeck Device; Steering Apparatus. CHAPTER XXXVIIHOW TO STEER A BOB SLEDBelly-buster; The Wheel; Belly-whopper. Own Your Own Copy: |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.