Study Patrol
By Lord Baden-Powell
Where there are a number of candidates living in the same town or district, it is suggested they might form themselves into a Study Patrol. It is very desirable to get an experienced Scoutmaster, where possible, to act as Leader. Commissioners and Scoutmasters might do good work by collecting a number of young men from among their friends and explaining the scheme to them with the view to forming such a Patrol. Roughly, one night a week for four weeks might be given to each of the five subjects specified below. Principles could be taught by an informal lecture with questions and discussion for about an hour, followed by practical work for another hour. Where circumstances permit, a week-end camp will give the best opportunity for training, and each Patrol should try to arrange one at the end of each four weeks. If the weather is too bad for the first month or two, the use of some Scout Hall or other building at the seaside or in the country might be obtained.
The following are sample questions such as an examiner could put to candidates for Scoutmasters' Diplomas, or students could put to themselves on the different subjects of study given above.(Questions to be Answered by Candidates)I. How to Train the BoyI. What would you consider three of the main difficulties of the present system of school education, and how can Scouting be applied to help the schoolmaster in remedying it? 2. What, from personal observation, do you consider are the chief characteristics of a "working boy " ? 3. Mention any "Blind Alley" occupation with which you are personally acquainted, or about which you have information. Suggest how Scouting could be applied to remedy its evils. 4. I have two letters criticising the book, Scouting for Boys. One says it is too full of subjects, that a learner cannot possibly take up all of them, and, therefore, the book is confusing. The other says he has tried the training, but has got through it all, and wants a further book with more subjects in it. State what you consider the functions of the book, and give from your point of view any suggestions as to how it would better fulfil its functions. 5. What do we mean by a "bad environment for boys," and how can Scouting be applied to counteract it? 6. What do you consider is the greatest factor for success in training boys, and outline how this is to be obtained? II. CHARACTER TRAININGI. What do you consider to be the difference between "Education" and "Instruction"? 2. What is your view of Military Drill as a means of training boys in character? State briefly its advantages and disadvantages. 3. What are the objects, advantages, or disadvantages of the Patrol System, that is, having Patrols as units in the Troops under full control of their Patrol Leaders? 4. How do you start to teach a boy tracking? What is the object of teaching him? 5. Which Scout Badges do you consider best calculated to develop "character" in the boy? 6. Draw up a program for a day's work in Camp, particularly for the purpose of training the boys in, character. Give your reasons for the different practices selected. III. PHYSICAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT1. Can you suggest any better body exercises for boys than the six given in Scouting for Boys? If so, please describe them briefly and give reasons. If satisfied with those in the book, state why you consider them the best. 2. How would you put the matter of sex-knowledge to an average boy of twelve assuming the parents desired you to do so? Give a brief outline showing how you would explain it, and what advice you would give on, the subject of impurity. State whether your reply is based on actual experience of teaching boys or on theory. 3. In selecting a site for a camp, what points would you chiefly bear in mind? 4. What food diet would you recommend for a camp of poor-class Scouts? Give reasons for your selection, and estimate quantities and cost for twenty boys for one week. 5. How does the work for a Missioner's Badge help a boy to be healthy? 6. It has been suggested that the Scout Movement might give valuable help in the physical development and health of the boys of the nation if it started a regular physical system. For this purpose it has been proposed to institute an "Athletes" Badge in three classes, viz.: First-class: Boys who are up to the average standard of their age in various details of physical development and who can swim. Second-class: Boys who are similarly up to the standard, but who cannot swim. Third-class: Boys who fail to pass the tests for second-class, but come up to a modified standard. Can you suggest the best practical method for carrying out this scheme, taking into consideration such points as- (a) The time, knowledge, apparatus, etc., avaiable to the average Scoutmaster. (b) The attractiveness to the boy, such as to induce every boy to go in for it. (c) The nature of points on which the boys could best be treated? IV. "MAKING A CAREER"1. What technical training is available in your neighbourhood for a Scout desirous of becoming a joiner (or any other kind of artisan)? What would you do in the way of starting him in his trade career? 2. Give a rough outline of the chief forms of employment of a profitable character in your neighbourhood which are suitable for Scouts. In the case of some one specific calling, give the conditions, such as length of hours, average wages, prospects, etc. 3. What motto would you give the Scout as one to follow in order to be successful in a business career? Give an outline of the points you would impress upon him, using the motto as your text. 4. In what way can Scoutmasters and schoolmasters collaborate with a view to setting boys working for definite careers? 5. In what way can Scoutmasters use the Local Bmployment Bureau on behalf of their boys? 6. Criticise the regulations for any one of the Proficiency Badges that concerns a boy's career, and suggest any alterations that seem desirable to you with a regard to making this badge more useful or popular. V. "SERVICE FOR OTHERS"1. Assuming that a Scoutmaster may desire to leave the spiritual training of his boys to their pastors and parents, which Scouting activities can he best employ as a practical training that will be complementary to the religious instruction given by them? 2. Selfishness has been outlined as a prevailing vice in, our nation. Can you show examples of this and suggest any methods for eradicating it among boys? Do not necessarily adhere to the illustrations given in this book. 3. Suggest points in which Scouts could be prepared for assisting in the defence of the country in case of invasion without involving actual military training. 4. Outline a lesson for a Scoutmaster to give such as would tend to develop a boy's self-reverence, continence, and self-respect. 5. State what you consider the chief points of value in organising your Senior Scouts. 6. Suggest any ideas for training or for keeping up the interest of Old Scouts in Scouting. [N.B.-By the term "Senior Scout" is meant a youth who is still a Scout in a Troop, but is growing up -say between sixteen and twenty. By the term "Old Scout " is meant one who has left his Troop either on account of age, or because of work, change of location, or other reason which prevents him continuing in his Troop.] AN EXAMPLE OF A WEEK-END TRAINING CAMP (HELD IN 1914)This series of weekend camps is being held, partly to encourage Scoutmasters in running their Troops on the Patrol system, partly to enable them to exchange ideas, and therefore to put new life into their Troops, but chiefly to establish Study Patrols, as suggested by the Chief Scout. It will be noticed that each camp is based on some part of Scouting for Boys, and also on one of the articles by the Chief for training Scoutmasters. DATESThe dates for the Camp will be- May 16th and 17th. June 27th and 28th. July 11th and 12th.July 18th and 19th. DURATIONCamp will be open at 2 p.m. on Saturday and be struck at 10 a.m. on Monday. Patrols will be able to leave on Sunday night, if desirous. ROUTINEOn Saturday afternoon there will be practical work, and in the evening there will be practical work followed by a Camp-fire yarn. On Sunday morning there will be a flag-post parade and service. On Sunday afternoon there will be addresses on the Saturday's work-treating rather of the moral aspect-followed by practical displays on those points on which Scoutmasters have asked questions the previous night. On Sunday night there will be an open discussion on Scouting. ADDRESSES1st Sunday, "Character training." 2nd Sunday, "Employment." 3d Sunday, "The body." 4th Sunday, "Training the boys." ADMISSIONAssociations may send Patrols of five. As the Camp will be run entirely on the Patrol system, single Scoutmasters cannot be accepted. It is immaterial whether these Patrols or circles consist of Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Instructors, or potential Officers. Associations may send as many Patrols as they wish. Applications to attend must be sent to the London Office, through Association Secretaries. GENERAL NOTESPLACEThis will be announced later, when it is more certain that the Scheme will be supported. It will be somewhere in or near London. SPEAKERS, ETC.Each weekend will be run by a different man, as no one man is both competent and available to teach all the proposed subjects. The speakers will not be announced until I know the amount of support I may expect. SMOKINGNo smoking will be allowed in Camp, except round the Campfire at night. Scouting for Boys, pages 193, 194- DRINKSNo drinks will be allowed in Camp, except such as are made by the Patrols in Camp. Scouting for Boys, pages 195, 196. ORDERSAll orders, as far as possible, will be given by whistle signals. Scouting
for Boys, p. 82. REFERENCESBefore attending, every Scoutmaster should read up for: 1st weekend: Scouting for Boys, Chaps. 2 and 5. Chief's article on "Character Training." 2nd weekend: Scouting for Boys, Chap. 3, Yarns 8 and 9. Article, "Handicrafts." 3rd weekend: Scouting for Boys, Chaps. 7 and 8. Article, "The responsibility for health." 4th weekend: Scouting for Boys, Chap. 10. Article, "Service for others." PROGRAM1ST WEEKEND: INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER3 P.M. - Circular rally. Enrolling a Scout. Tent pitching and camp planning. 5 P.M. - Tea in Patrol camps. 6 P.M. - Map reading. Observation and deduction. Nature study in country and in town. 7.30 P.M. - Camp-fire. Signal fires, followed by Yarn on "Scout Law" and Patrol system. 2ND WEEKEND: SKILL AND MAKING A CAREER3 P.M. - Circular rally. Bridge building. Knot tying. Pioneer work. 5 P.M. - Tea in Patrol camps. 6 P.M. - Camp expedients. Cooking. 7.30 P.M. - The rifle, and how to use it. Camp-fire. Lamp-signalling. Yarn on "Citizenship," "Employment Agencies," etc. 3RD WEEKEND: PHYSICAL HEALTH3 P.M. - Circular rally. Scout pace and drill. Physical exercises through games and recreational activities. 5 P.M. - Tea in Patrol camps. 6 P.M. - Anatomy. Punctuality-internal and external. Visual Training. 7.30 P.M. - Sense of smell and touch. Causes of loss of them. Yarn, "How to teach boys continence, cleanliness, anatomy." 4TH WEEK-END: SERVICE FOR OTHERS3 P.M. - Circular rally. Accidents. Life saving. 5 P.M. - Tea in Patrol camps. 6 P.M. - First aid in practice. 7.30 P.M. - Nursing. Yarn, "How to Train a Troop." |
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