Suspension Bridge
By Dan Beard
Make two pairs of shears by binding two stout poles together, as shown in Fig. 251, or each pair. Set the shears on each back, and use a good strong rope for or wild grapevine for a cable. Fasten the cables to a tree, stump, or some other unyielding object on each bank. If it is a rope, fasten with a lark's head, as shown in Fig. 252. If you use grape-vine, wrap once around the tree and nail it there. Erect the shears under it on each bank, and the suspension bridge will be found firm and strong.
Short lines, which will reach the water, must be fastened at brief intervals to the cable, before it is swung across the stream; little wooden handles tied to the ends of the lines will add to the security of the bather. With this contrivance beginners may enjoy themselves even in deep water, crossing and re-crossing the hole with no danger, for so long as the bather holds one of these handles he is supported by the cable above, and by kicking and paddling he can reach another life-line before be lets go the last. Another aid to the novice, and a very useful thing to the swimmers, when they are sky-larking in the water, is the Chumps Raft. |
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