By Dan Beard
Fig. 255.
Springing Board.
Upon all those rivers where the big lumber rafts come down and are moored to
the banks, the boys not only have excellent floats to swim from, but the
material is always at hand for a good springing board, from which they can try
any circus trick that suits their fancy. For when they fail the worst that can
happen is the smart slap of the water as they strike it on their backs or sides,
and the hearty laugh of the lookers-on.
There are few better devices for developing and at the same time keeping
supple the growing muscles of a boy than a good springing board. At the
seashore, at boat club houses and places of resort they are supplied by the
proprietors of the clubs and hotels, and are made by carpenters. But when you
are inland and in the country, that is the very time long for one and the very
time there are none on hand. All you need to make a springing board is a good
elastic plank, and that is seldom a difficult thing to borrow or buy.
How to Set up a Springing Board
Place the plank on the edge of your swimming pool, and under it a box, log,
stone, or any other object strong enough for a rest. Now if two or three lads
will stand on the shore end, another boy can spring from the other end into the
water. This is a very rude plan, but often the time is too limited to waste in
work, and all are desirous of a swim, and a rude springing board is better than
none. When you have time at your disposal you may fasten the shore end securely
to a board and nail the board fast to a log, beam, or other like object, or
drive a number of stakes deeply into the ground with their heads flush with the
earth and nail the board to the heads of the stakes. (See Fig. 255.)
Back Somersaults
In attempting a back somersault from a springing board there is always danger
of coming down in the exact spot you spring from, and striking the board, with
more or less serious results. To avoid this push yourself away with your feet as
you leave the board and there will be no danger.
Never enter the water when you feel exhausted or shortly after eating a meal.
You will derive no pleasure from it and it is injurious.