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The Totem am I.
I am the Symbol of the History and Traditions of the Pack.
In the long ago time I was found by the teepee and wigwam of my Indian friends.
Every Brave and Warrior had me in his mind.
In the the dark ages I was the center of all important activities. Leaders stood by my side.
You can find my elder brothers, ancient and weather-beaten, in all parts of the great world.
I was much honored by Maya tribes, the Aztecs placed me in the highest rank.
Romans carried my brothers from shore to shore and land to land. Normans, Goths and Picts took them at all times.
From all time I have been known and at all times shall be found where there are leaders and led.
Now I come to the Little Brothers of the jungle, the Wolf Cubs.
I tell you that which I represent and when I am unveiled to your eyes you will see and learn and
I am tall and when you shall attain my height you will have much wisdom.
I am upright and there encircles me all the Laws of the Scout.
My arms are the all-embracing ones of the great brotherhood and are the two Laws and Promises of the Cub,
on them hang all your proficiencies. My arms are as the open ears and point upwards to the Great.
Out of the earth I grow like unto a tree.
Ever I point towards the Heavens through the rampant
Wolf your Totem head, happy bubbling vitality symbolizing the virility of your life and outlook.
Nature's green bands of verdant hues are round me traced continuous as life.
Lightness and darkness are my alternating colors from darkness ever into light.
My colored leafy branches are those of your Merit Badges for Character, Service, Handcraft, Health.
Many leaves have I and on them shall be writ the names of those of you who work and win.
Many other twigs have I, each one white, close to my heart, each one for a boy, each for the purity of aim and
endeavor of those who have been made Cubs.
On me do you place your hand and attach your sign and you will be ever with me.
The circle of eternity at head is again encircled with the clearly-chased great fraternal brotherhood around the
Above my twigs and branches are those limbs which support and teach, the Akelas are they, whose word is Law.
Gold am I at the Head for Golden are my records. See ye that they grow.
Long Creepers suspend from me that name the Pack my Life.
My eye of Silver bright will watch you play and I shall
remain with you all time.
Many more things could I tell but these are secrets to be unfolded later.
I bid you honor me for I am the symbol of the traditions and honor of the Pack.
On me have you made the Promise.
Keep the Law!
Do Your Best!
Good Hunting!