Authentic Totems
By Robert De Groat
Mohawks: Bear, wolf, and turtle. | |
Oneidas: Bear, wolf, and turtle. | |
Onondagas: Bear, wolf, turtle, deer, beaver, eel, snipe. | |
Cayugas: Bear, wolf, turtle, deer, beaver, eel, snipe, hawk. | |
Senecas: Bear, wolf, turtle, deer, beaver, heron, snipe, hawk. | |
Tuscaroras: Bear, gray wolf, yellow wolf, great turtle, little turtle, beaver, eel, snipe. | |
Hurons or Wyandots: Big turtle, little turtle, mud turtle, wolf, bear, beaver, deer, porcupine, striped turtle, prairie turtle, snake, hawk. |
Delawares or Lenapes: Wolf, bear, dog, possum, turtle, little turtle, mud turtle, great turtle, yellow eel, turkey, crane, chicken. | |
Mohicans: Wolf, turtle, turkey, bear, dog, opossum, yellow eel, crane, chicken. | |
Abenakis (Maine): Wolf, wild cat (black), bear, snake, spotted animal, beaver, caribou, sturgeon, muskrat, pigeon hawk, squirrel, spotted frog, crane, porcupine. |
Miamis: Wolf, loon, eagle, buzzard, panther, turkey, raccoon, snow, sun, water. | |
Sauks and Foxes: Wolf, bear, deer, elk, hawk, eagle, fish, buffalo, thunder, pine, fox, sea, sturgeon, big tree. | |
Shawnees: Wolf, loon, bear, buzzard, panther, owl, turkey, deer, raccoon, turtle, snake, horse, rabbit. | |
Menomonis: Bear, porcupine, turtle, crane, wolf, otter, sturgeon, sunfish, big thunder, golden eagle, fork-tail hawk, bald eagle, turkey-buzzard, winter hawk, red tail hawk, crow, raven, beaver, elk, pine squirrel, wolf, dog, deer, bald eagle, fish hawk, great heron, coot, marten, fisher. | |
Ojibways: Crane, catfish, loon, bear, marten, reindeer, wolf, merman, pike, lynx, eagle, rattlesnake, moose, black duck or cormorant, goose, sucker, sturgeon, white fish, beaver, gull, hawk, mud turtle, snapping turtle, little turtle, snipe, duck, snake, muskrat, heron, hull-head or bull-pout, sparrow, hawk, water snake, forked tree, wildcat, otter, buffalo, birch-bark, white oak tree, grizzly bear, reindeer, pike. | |
Seminoles: Wind, tiger or panther, otter, bird, deer, wolf, snake alligator. | |
Chickasaws: Wildcat, bird, panther, fish, deer, raccoon, squirrel, alligator, wolf, blackbird. | |
Cherokees: Wolf, holly, acorn, deer, bird, long prairie. | |
Hopi: Horn-flute, mountain sheep, deer, antelope, elk, seed grass, ant, corn, rain cloud, rainbow, lightning, agave, rabbit-brush, duck, frog, tadpole, snake, puma, dove, cactus, marmot, skunk, raccoon, squash, crane, pigeon hawk, thistle, eagle, hawk, turkey, sun, star, chicken hawk, willow, parrot, cottonwood, macaw, corn, badger, butterfly, coyote, skeleton, hemlock, buck-grass, squash, yellow fox, gray fox, juniper, striped squirrel, lizard, spider, fir, oak, magpie, field mouse, porcupine, turkey buzzard. | |
Zunis: Crane or pelican, evergreen oak, coyote, badger, antelope, sun, eagle, parrot-macaw, cotton-tail rabbit, tortoise, rouse, bear, maize plant, deer, turkey, toad or frog, rattle-snake, sunflower. | |
Scattered Tribes of the Pueblos: Calabash, mountain lion, turquoise, granite, arrow, humming bird, blue bird, timber, gopher, pine, boulder goose. | |
Mohaves: Moon, caterpillar, coyote, rain cloud, sun, beaver, mesquite. |
Tlingit: Raven, frog, goose, sea lion, owl, salmon, beaver, codfish, skate, wolf, eagle, bear, killer-whale, shark, auk, gull, sparrow-hawk, thunder-bird. | |
Haidas: Raven clan, killer-whale, black bear, loon, woodpecker, thunder-bird, hawk, wolf, dogfish, devilfish, owl, land otter, grizzly bear, sea lion, mountain goat, rainbow. |
Eagle clan: beaver, sculpin, frog, raven, dogfish, halibut, land otter, starfish, hummingbird, skate. | |
Tsimshian: Raven, codfish, starfish, eagle, halibut, beaver, whale, wolf, crane, grizzly bear, bear, killer whale, dolphin, sun, moon, grouse. | |
Omahas: Male elk and deer, red maize, bear, turtle or tortoise, bird, white crane, verdigris, or green clay, deer head, buffalo head, white clay, buffalo tail, reptiles, thunder, black shoulder, wolf. |
Poncas: Thunder, fire, wind-makers, wildcat, bald elk, earth, medicine, dark buffalo, osage. | |
Iowas: Black bear, wolf, white wolf, black wolf, gray wolf, coyote, eagle, thunder-being, golden eagle, gray eagle, spotted eagle, bald eagle, elk, beaver, pigeon, raccoon, grouse, buffalo, rattlesnake, owl. | |
Kansas or Kaw: Deer, black eagle, prairie wolf, tent, bear, duck, turtle, thunder, buffalo, elk, earth, white eagle, raccoon, osage, black bear, ghost, gray hawk. | |
Osages: Sun, comet, buffalo bull, black bear, elk, swan, bald eagle, turtle, fish, pond-lily. | |
Winnebagoes: Wolf, elk, bear, deer, buffalo, snake, eagle, thunder. | |
Mandans: Wolf, bear, prairie chicken, good knife, eagle, flathead, high village. | |
Crows: Prairie dog, skunk, lost lodges, bear's paw, fish catchers, raven, antelope. | |
Creek Indians: Wolf, bear, skunk, alligator, panther, mole, fish, hickory nut, beaver, snake, bear, deer, wind, fox, maize, salt, otter, bird, toad, raccoon, wildcat, buffalo. |
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