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Here is the sequence of Baden-Powell Scouting adult-free Journeys and
Expeditions (some are after 1938):
Troop Camping:
In Scouts' camps the tents are not pitched in lines and streets
as in military camps, but are dotted about, 50
or 100 yards or more, in a big circle round the Scoutmaster's tent. This
keeps each Patrol separate as a unit.
Second Class:
Go by day, on foot, with other scouts on a journey of 8 miles.
 | Your Patrol Leader will set your route, and a specific objective will be
given. |
 | Make an oral report from notes to your Patrol Leader immediately upon your
return. |
 | Your Scoutmaster must know your hiking route, and must approve your plan in
advance. |
 | If additional Scouts are taking the test, each will report independently. |
First Class:
Primitive Camping: Build and sleep out in a bivouac and cook a backwoods
The First Class
Journey: Go on foot or row a boat, alone or with another Scout, for
a total distance of fourteen miles.
 | The journey should occupy about twenty-four hours and camping kit for the
night must be taken and used.
 | Make all the necessary advance preparations, and organize the packing of
food and gear. |
 | In the course of the journey, you must cook your own meals. |
 | Find a campsite and camp for the night. |
 | You must carry out any instructions given by the examiner as to things to
be observed on route. |
 | Make a log of your journey sufficient to show you have carried out those
instructions, and submit it within one week of your return. |
 | This test should normally be the final one taken for the First -Class
Scout Cord (Star)
(Explorer Badge)
1) Arrange and carry out an expedition for yourself and at least 2 other
Scouts, of not less that 2 days and 1 night duration to a place you are not
familiar with.
 | All equipment to be carried in backpacks and to include food. |
 | Each backpack to weigh not more than 30 lbs. |
Bushman's Cord (Life Scout)
(Venturer Badge)
1) Complete an adventure journey as a member of a Patrol in which you shall
play a leading part.
 | The journey, which may be short in length, must include at least 5
incidents such as rescues from fire or heights, compass work, Signalling over
distance. |
 | Water incidents to be included for Sea Scout Troops. |
2) Make a journey of at least 20 miles on foot or by boat, with not more than
3 other Scouts.
 | Route must be one with which the Scout is not familiar and should, if
possible, include stiff country. |
 | Sleep out, using only the gear carried in a backpack. |
 | Maximum weight 31 lbs which must include food. |
 | The Examiner may set the candidate 1 or 2 tasks, which require a specific
report but no general log of the journey is required. |
King's Scout (Eagle)
(Senior Explorer Badge)
Take part in an expedition with not less than 3 and not more than 5 other
Scouts. The expedition may be on foot, boat, or on horseback.
 | The expedition must be planned to last at least 4 days, and at least 3
nights must be spent in tents. All necessary equipment and food must be taken
and all meals prepared by members of the party. |
 | All Scouts in the party will take an equal part in the planning
arrangements before and during the expedition, but it is not necessary that all
participants should be under test. |
 | A detailed log of the expedition must be kept be each member of the party,
having previously agreed between themselves a different emphasis for each log -
eg weather, geography, history, architecture, archaeology, botany, ornithology. |
 | The route and special log subjects must have the prior approval of the
examiner. |
 | An expedition on foot will cover at least 50 miles in wild country. The 3
nights will be spent at different campsites. |
 | An expedition by water will cover at least 50 miles and the log will cover
such points as the state of the river, conditions of banks, obstructions to
navigation etc. |
 | An expedition on Horseback will cover at least 200 miles. In wild country,
camping at 3 different camp sites. |
 | An expedition, whether on foot or otherwise, must be a test of
determination, courage, physical endurance and a high degree of co-operation
among those taking part. |