By Dan BeardOnce again we are in the grip of that grim old gentleman familiarly known as Jack Frost. He is no effete degenerate, but is forceful, lusty, strong and energetic, yet he is not unkind to those who fear not to meet him face to face in his boisterous play. To be on good terms with winter, it is necessary to take the buffets good-naturedly, and not whine when one's ears and nose are pinched, for old winter does this to remind us that must protect those members of our body, or suffer frost bite. However, even the toughest men care not to spend the season in one long tussle with the cold, and when they tire of the strenuous play of Jack Frost and his roaring companions, the North Winds, they find it desirable to have some place of refuge handy, some retreat where the camper may retire while the storm rages, or when an excess of vitality and exuberance of spirits on the part of Jack Frost, develops into a howling blizzard. A Comfortable Campwhile in the woods is one which affords shelter from wind and storm. Such a camp should be built of small logs "chinked" with mud and moss, but it may be an open front, modeled on the plan of the old reliable lean-to, known as the Adirondack; to this should be added a wind shield. The ground plan of such a shack and shield may be 6 X 12 feet or larger. For elevation see the New Brunswick (Fig. 428). A More Elaborate Camp is shown by the illustration of the North Woods (Fig. 429) |
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