The Wreckers
Description. Arrangement of those playing game: " A " Party of Surveyors: 1 or more Patrols under leader. " B " Party of Scouts on Test Journey: 1 or more Patrols under leader. " C " Party of Police: 1 or more Patrols under leader. 1 Messenger. " B " and " C " wear red bands on hats. Instructions given to " A " to proceed by given route to point Z to take all the necessary particulars for widening bridge. Leader to divide party up to do various jobs such as sketching bridge, estimating widths and heights, reporting on transportation of materials, etc. Instructions given to " B " to proceed on journey and report on roads, bridges, woods, antiquities, villages, and water supplies. Marked route to be followed. " C " party to proceed via marked route and at Y establish a Police Post. Leader or " Chief Constable " to arrange his force into Patrols, to patrol say 200-300 yards in each direction and to report all incidents to Chief at Y. Messenger intercepts " B " party at P, giving sealed message which reads, "A party of roughs are making preparation to dynamite bridge at Z. Get into touch with Police Post at Y and co-operate with them in taking roughs into custody." (Roughs are really Surveying Party.) The messenger then dashes off with another sealed message to " A " party, who read, " A party of roughs are approaching from point Y. You will recognize them by red bands on hats. Ambush them and take as many as possible into custody on arrival." (Roughs in -this case are really Police and Scouts.) Comments. An interesting example of how 1st Class work can be made exciting. This game could be also adapted for Rovers. |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.