Green Bar Hike
INTENSIVE TRAINING IN THE GREEN BAR PATROL:GREEN BAR TRAINING HIKENEEDED MATERIAL:As decided & planned at Third Training Meeting. PROGRAM:(a) Assembly: Quartermaster and Grubmaster check equipment and grub to insure that everything is in readiness. (b) Outbound Journey: 1. Hiking Technique: Follow suggestions in the Scout Handbook in regard to proper methods of hiking, and correct Patrol hike formation on highways. 2. Activities: Start activities as soon as possible --whether observation games, nature study or whatever was decided at Training Meeting. Give the different boys a chance to lead the Patrol from time to time. (c) At Destination: Have an Assistant Scoutmaster or a junior Assistant put on a quick demonstration of the subject of the hike, then get the boys to work on axemanship, fire-building, cooking--or mapping or signaling--according to the program for the day. Cooking should be done on a Patrol basis. Also run a couple of Instruction Games, such as Signal Relay, the Leading Packsack, String Burning Height Judging, Leaf Matching Rest Period Recreation Games: One or two of the following: Capture the Flag, Skin the Snake, Antelope Border Scouting, Clean-up. (d) Return Journey: Do not attempt any specially planned activity during this, although a game such as "Near and Far" may be tried. Make use of the songs rehearsed during training meeting. Dismiss at appropriate spot. FOURTH TRAINING MEETING THEME: Patrol Advancement |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.