Gilwell PL Training
ForewordMy predecessor at H.Q., the late Maurice Adshead, introduced this course in March, 1956. The pioneer work was carried out at Gilwell Park by the Camp Chief, John Thurman, and his gifted team. What they planned still stands, as does their scheme, though one or two minor amendments have been made to the text based on discussions I have had with Districts when I have visited their courses. The only major change in this, the third edition, is to suggest that more responsibility be given in leadership to all boys on the course. From what I have seen this is merited by present results. It is the job of every Scoutmaster so to train his Patrol Leaders that together they can run the Troop through the Court of Honor, and, individually, train and lead their Patrols. The course suggested in this book is designed to help Patrol Leaders do just this. The experienced Scouter, too, may be able to give of his time and his wisdom to his brother Scouters, if his District asks him to help with such a course, knowing that his effort can make a substantial contribution to Scouting. All this I have seen happening up and down the land, may it continue to flourish and to prosper. I have now handed over the responsibility at H.Q. for the Scout Section to take up the appointment of H.Q.. Commissioner for Rovers, but my successor as H.Q.. Commissioner for Scouts, Mr. Dan House, endorses what I have said, so subscribes his name with mine. HENRY ROBERT WALTERS., IntroductionIn Scouting for Boys the Founder of the Scout Movement, Lord Baden Powell, suggested the system which canalizes the natural gang spirit of adolescent boys into the Patrol System with boys working as a Patrol under a boy leader. He had in mind older senior boys than our present system embraces and as a consequence even more skill and care is required to train these boy leaders. The most important aid to the true functioning of the Patrol System must lie in the enlightened and correct training of the Patrol Leaders. Nothing can, should, or must replace the training that the Scoutmaster gives, himself, to his own Patrol Leaders, but, in order to strengthen their work, many being pressed for time and lacking adequate facilities for this, the Chief Scout and the Committee of the Council directed that, after due experiment, this handbook be prepared for use in Districts. Some years of experience now show that the methods suggested, though by no means sacrosanct, are sound and the whole scheme suggested can achieve results which are well worth the very considerable efforts required by a number of Scouters. This is a course designed to be run in every District in the country, led by the most experienced Scouters with the District Commissioner lending his support, both moral and physical, to the venture. It is true, and may well remain so, that in every District there is a number of tried and experienced Scouters, and also a number who, with the greatest enthusiasm in the world, have not yet the experience always to have the right touch at the correct time with their Patrol Leaders. Through this type of course the sum total of experience in the District may be made available to each and to every Patrol Leader. This is not a course which the Training Team, who are primarily concerned with Scouter Training, is going to run; though, if they are invited to do so, they will offer advice and practical help. This is a course that the Troop Scouters should run as a team. There are certain aspects of the course to which particular attention should be drawn : First, there are no set sessions. Secondly, there are an infinite number of practical suggestions for things to do. It does not matter whether these are copied or others, devised locally, introduced, but it is necessary to accept that this course will not succeed unless it gets out of the ruts that even Scouting can run in. It needs to be presented imaginatively and enthusiastically. Thirdly, whoever is asked to lead the course must undertake to see the course through from the beginning to the end. Sporadic leadership, however inspired, is of little use to boys and this course demands continuity in its leadership. The team of Scouters should remain together for the whole of the course, through discussion, planning, possibly short experiments, and in making sure that everyone knows his part in the scheme and its relation to the parts that others will be playing. It is found that as a result of courses of this nature there will be a demand from the boys themselves for some sort of follow up and this should be provided: a weekend camp, a winter evening meeting, or whatever it may be. Finally it is again emphasized that the patrol is the unit for training and organization. From this it follows that the Patrol Leader must be trained in his duties. The Scoutmaster is responsible for this but, in order to help him, this course has been planned and tested. It is hoped that it will help Scouters and Patrol Leaders to obtain the standard of efficiency necessary for a Boy Scout Troop. Conduct of CoursesLeadership TrainingThe Quartermaster, CateringProgram Variations:
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