1 Course Routine
NOTES FOR SESSION5 AND ACTIVITIES ,I COURSE ROUTINE The I e element of surprise should be preserved as a matter of policy throughout the Course, and for this reason as well as to leave the Staff room for tactical maneuver the program should not be made known to the Scouts at any stage. It will be sufficient if the Patrol Leaders are given a time table on the following lines : Friday : Saturday : 7.30 8.15 9.30 10.00 7.00 Assemble. 7.30 Supper. 8.30 Action. 10.15 Prayers. 10.30 Quiet. Action. Breakfast. Inspection. Flag. Prayers. Action, etc. The skills, personalities, ages, education and sizes of the boys will vary. If there is what seems to be an obvious choice for Patrol Leaders in each Patrol let him be the Patrol Leader at the opening. Nothing should be taken for granted, however, except that there will be surprises as to a boy's capacity. (See " Leadership Training " on page 12.) At the briefing, the first Patrol Leader should be encouraged to allocate specific duties to the members of his Patrol (Second, Quartermaster, Runner, Waterboy, Wood wallah, etc.) 28 with the suggestion that they will be changed from time to time so that no boy is kept too long in any one position. Patrol shoulder knots and a uniform scarf should be issued for the duration of the Course. The duties of the, Duty Patrol should be clearly specified and a rota system devised so that each Patrol in turn is given this privilege. The highest possible standards should be expected from the Duty Patrol, but the rule for everyone should be " Clear up as you go." Many of the activities will require that camp dress should be worn, and the " change down " and " change back " periods should be clearly indicated. As much gear as possible should be issued on a Patrol basis, and where possible individual Patrol Dens or Corners should be allocated. When a Troop Room or Hostel is used for the Course, cleaning materials brushes, dustpans, dusters should be readily available and the attention of the Course drawn to them. Members of the Staff should be introduced by name, with a brief indication of their position in Scouting and their " specialties," if any. Throughout the Course the members of the Staff should be referred to as " Mister So and so " and from the outset it should be made clear that as a matter of common courtesy the boys will address, Scouters as " Sir." None of the foregoing need be laid on with a heavy hand, but it is important that the boys should be given a. clear lead in such matters right from the start.
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