Snowball Shield
By Dan Beard
The shield is made from scrap wood. Lay it on some level surface, so that nails can be driven in without trouble. From a strip of board half inch thick and two and one-half inches wide saw off two pieces long enough to fasten the pieces of wood together, as you see them in Fig. 168. Fasten these strips on firmly with shingle nails. Lay your left arm upon the shield, as shown, mark a place for the arm-strap just in front of elbow, and another for the strap for the hand. From an old trunk-strap, or suitable piece of leather, cut two strips and nail them on your shield at points marked, being careful that the arm-strap is not too tight, as it should be loose enough for the arm to slip in and out with ease. This done, you have a shield behind which you may defy an army of unprotected boys. SNOWBALL WARFARE!How to Build Snow Forts;
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