Handy, Dandy
By Dan Beard"Handy, Dandy, Riderly, Ro."This is another form of "Which hand is it in," only in this case the fists are put one above the other. One hand contains a button, stone, piece of coal, or any other object, and the other hand is empty. The two hands are then clenched tightly and are extended out in front of the "Stone-holder," who shouts "Handy, dandy, riderly, ro! Which will you have, high or low?" The boy appealed to makes a guess. If he guesses the empty hand he goes free. If he guesses the hand with the stone in it he takes the stone and says, "Handy dandy," etc., to the next player, who guesses high or low as suits him. The last one to hold the stone is "It." OHB |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.