Strength Tests
DUAL STRENGTH TESTSHand WrestlingOpponents place right feet together, clasp hands, and attempt to pull each other off balance. Cock FightA stick thrust between elbows and under knees, hands clasped in front of lower legs. b--Without stick, place hands under knees, clasping ankles. Object is to butt or shove opponent off balance. Hand PushFlat of hands against opponent In attempt to push him backward off balance. Indian Leg WrestleTwo players lie flat on back, arms clasped at elbows, facing opposite directions. Inner leg is raised to greatest height, and attempt made to pull over opponent in hooking knees. Twist StickTwo opponents hold stick at full height over head. Stick is lowered in an attempt to twist it in the grasp of the opponent. With pencil or chalk upper edge of stick can be marked so that the judge can tell in which direction stick is twisted. Pull StickBoth opponents in sitting position, feet touching stick grasped between them. Object, to pull and raise opponent from sitting position. Stick WrestleOpponents grasp stick with both hands and attempt to wrestle, pull or twist stick out of opponent's grasp. Dog FightOpponents face each other on hands and knees. A strap or two towels tied together are placed behind rear of head of players. Object is to pull opponent across a line by backing up and moving opponent forward by strength of neck. Rooster FightPlayers hop on one foot with arms folded, shoulder each other in an attempt to make opponent place other foot on the floor. Slapping CheekOpponents box with open hands in attempt to slap opponent's cheek. Player receiving three slaps on cheek first loses match. Ripley's
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