Good Turns to Animals
Good Turns to Animals
Every Scout should be ready instantly to render service to a bird or animal in distress. It is not only a duty but a privilege to be able to understand an animal and so give it aid. A Scout is Kind. He is a friend to animals. The Scout erects shelters and feeding places for birds in the winter. Where otherwise the birds of his neighborhood might perish, he will make sure that food is placed in these feeding places regularly. He, with the rest of his Patrol or the Troop, when he finds homeless dogs and cats, turns them over to the proper officials, or finds homes for them. He practices first aid to animals on his own dog or his friend's, in order to be prepared for real cases. He learns how to mend a hen's twisted leg and a canary's broken wing, and what to do for any sick animal. He will not kill nor hurt any living creature needlessly, but will strive to help and protect all harmless life. In order to make good on the Sixth Scout Law, he will learn from experts how to make bird houses, shelters and feeding stations, and how to do all these other things.
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.