Cooking [Camp]
by Ernest Thompson SetonCook 12 digestible meals using ordinary camp equipment, of various menus to serve 2 or more persons, properly disposing of waste, for coup; 24 such meals, for grand coup. Without pots or pans, cook a digestible meal including fish or meat, potatoes or some other vegetable, and bread, for coup. Cook 3 such meals with different menu each time, for grand coup. Mix and bake 12 batches of good bread by a camp fire in a Dutch oven, frying pan or reflector, for coup; 12 such batches, including all 3 methods, for grand coup. Patent flour not to be used. Build out of doors a clay, stone or brick oven which will bake good bread, for coup. Make and bake good, digestible bread m such an oven after building it, for grand coup. For Further Information, See: The Birch Bark Roll |
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