Camp Tools & Furniture
by Ernest Thompson SetonMake and decorate a tom-tom for coup. If log is burned or hollowed out, and skin is prepared from green state by self, grand coup.. Build a strong, serviceable table at least 4 x 8 feet and a solid bench to use with it, both of wildwood material, for coup. If no nails are used, grand coup. Make a serviceable watertight bucket or wash basin of wildwood material, at least 5 x 8 inches, for coup. Make both, each to be at least 7 x 10, for grand coup. Make a serviceable basket of wildwood material, not less than 6 inches in diameter, for coup. If made with a handle, is not less than 10 inches in diameter, and will carry 25 pounds, grand coup. Unless forbidden by forestry laws, make a comfortable bough bed, properly laid. Make a grass rug, at least 2 x 5 feet on a string camp loom. Both to be made of material gathered by self. Either for coup; both for grand comp. Make an Indian bed of at least 60 rods, all tied tight, for coup. Make one of 80 or more rods, with 4 cords all tied tight and straight, and with a decorated head, for grand coup. Make a good, serviceable camp chair, picturesque and decorated, entirely from wildwood material. Make a serviceable hammock of wildwood material. Either for coup; both for grand coup. Make a hunter's lamp, a set of tilting spears and a totem for tribe or band, all of wildwood material except oil for lamp and colors for painting, for coup. If entirely of wildwood material, grand coup. Make a noggin out of a tree boll and decorate it. Make a wooden kneading trough of smooth interior surface, not less than 6 x 12 inches, or make a waterproof vessel of wildwood material to hold at least 2 quarts and attach handle to same (spruce gum allowed). Either for coup; both for grand coup. For Further Information, See: The Birch Bark Roll |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.