by Ernest Thompson Seton(All photos must be submitted to Headquarters or the regional Field Council before coup can be granted.) Make a good, sharp, recognizable photograph of a ruffed grouse (partridge) drumming, a prairie chicken dancing, a woodcock, sage cock or wild turkey strutting, a white crane dancing, or anything of similar nature or value. 5 such, if captive, for coup. 1, if wild, for grand coup. Make 10 clear, recognizable photographs of our different native adult wild animals not in captivity, for coup. 20 for grand coup. Make 10 good, recognizable photographs of birds' nests, either with young or eggs showing, for coup. 20 for grand coup. Make a series of 5 photographs of any wild bird, showing a habitat view, nest, egg or eggs, and development of the young, for coup. As above for each of 5 birds for grand coup. Ditto for wild animals. Make a good, recognizable photograph of a wild animal in the air, that is, jumping clear off the ground, for coup. With 2-inch image, for grand coup. Ditto for a fish. Get 10 good photographs of any wild animal in its native surroundings, for coup. If the animal is not looking at you, grand coup. Make 15 clear, recognizable photographs and negatives of insects, butterflies, moths, etc., in natural surroundings, for coup. 25 for grand coup. Make 10 good, recognizable photographs of different kinds of adult birds, for coup. 20 for grand coup. Make 5 good, recognizable photographs of different kinds of snakes in natural surroundings, for coup. 10 for grand coup. Make 5 good, recognizable photographs showing wild creatures of at least two different species in one picture, as turtle and wild duck, frog and snake, muskrat and heron, fish and osprey, for coup. 10 for grand coup. Same combination not to be repeated in two pictures. Make photographs of the life history of any insect, showing the food plant, larva, pupa, male and female, for coup. 5 such series for grand coup. Make a series of not less than 3 photographs illustrating Council or Woodcraft activities that can be used as lantern slide, for coup. As above for descriptive dances. Either for coup; both for grand coup. For Further Information, See: The Birch Bark Roll |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.