Outdoor Games
OUTDOOR GAMESChain TagIn this tag game the first man tagged joins hands with the man who is "it," and later as each man is tagged he is added to the chain. Soon only a few remain who are not caught and the awkward efforts of the unwieldy "chain" to capture these causes much amusement. Lion HuntingThis camp game is described in Baden-Powell's Scout Games. In actual practice the use of tennis balls is rather expensive, and I have found that bean bags do very well in this game. Made up in bright colors they are hard to lose in the woods. Duck on a RockSee Dan Beard's rules for this camp game and Ernest Seton's Rat on the Lodge. This game is listed as a reminder to Scoutmasters. In one summer camp the leader found that the boys were liable to become careless in throwing the stones and some were hurt. He finally hit on the plan of using tin cans, the sort that are opened by prying off the top. All sharp edges were removed, and because of the convenience In standing them on end they, served very well. Scout Meets ScoutThis is one of B-P's best Scouting Games. Two groups are sent some distance apart and proceed to work toward each other, the side which first sees the other being the winner. Nature StudyWhile on a hike the Scoutmaster announces that he will give points for the identification of trees, flowers, birds, ferns and animals. The number given will be decided by the Scoutmaster and will depend upon how difficult he considers the identification to be. The season will also govern this. For instance, a tree is harder to identify without the leaves, and a flower out of season might be difficult to place. At the end of a certain time, say 15 minutes, the Scout with the most points wins. This game will show up the ones that don't know how to use their eyes. QuoitsNo camp of any permanence can afford to be without this game. Old horseshoes make a good substitute for the regulation quoits. Scouts and IndiansTwo lines are drawn about 10 yards apart, the space back of one being the stockade and the space back of the other being the Indian village. The neutral space between the two is dangerous to both, but of course each is "safe" in his own territory. Each party makes raids into the neutral territory and captures members of the other team, bringing them bodily into their headquarters. At the end of 5 minutes the team that has captured the most of the other's men wins. A captured man is out of the game. Running the BlockadeThis is another Indian camp game, and should be played where there is plenty of good cover, and yet not too thick undergrowth for moving rapidly. Two good Scouts have to deliver an imaginary message to the Scoutmaster, and all the rest of the troop act as the Indians and do all they can to prevent either Scout coming through. The "Scouts" take up a position several hundred yards away and do not start until the Scoutmaster blows a whistle. The Indians spread out in a long line about half way between the "Scouts" and the Scoutmaster, and may not come any nearer the Scoutmaster, but start for the Scouts if they wish when the whistle is blown. To win, the Indians must catch and hold both Scouts. "Scouts" are appointed-each time, or may be those who do most to capture the previous "Scouts." With two Scoutmasters on the ground real messages may be transmitted. Cross Country Signal RaceThis is a patrol contest, and may be elaborated ad. lib. There should be two cross country runners, a reader, sender, receiver, and writer on each team. A runner of each team is posted with the Scoutmaster. The signal readers and senders of both teams are posted about 1/8 of a mile, say, north of the Scoutmaster. The receiver, writer, and runner of one team are located 1/8 of a mile to the west of the sending station and in plain sight of it. The corresponding Scouts of the other team take up a corresponding position, to the east. The Scoutmaster gives the same written message to each runner, and these run to the readers of their team. The message is read, sent, received. and written down, turned over to the other runner and brought back to the Scoutmaster, thus making a sort of triangular journey. More runners, or even another signal team may be added If desired. Hunt the ScoutThe Scout Handbook mentions briefly this excellent camp game. One Scout is given 5 minutes to hide himself in a certain clearly defined territory. The Scout who finds him is to hide next time, unless the hider cannot be found, in which case he hides again. KnightsA good game for soft turf, but dangerous on hard ground. Each knight mounts another Scout pick-a-back and all try to unseat the other knights by pulling and pushing. The one maintaining his position the longest is the winner of the Tournament. Poison (Outdoors)Instead of using Indian Clubs as described under "Indoor Games" take a stick about three feet high and sharpen one end. Stick this into the ground very lightly so that the least touch will send it over. To prevent accidents the stick should be too long to jump over. This camp game is played just the same as poison. Ripley's
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