Rat on Lodge
by Ernest Thompson SetonEach player has a good-sized bean bag. This is the rat and is kept by the player permanently. The lodge is any solid object six inches or more above the ground or floor. A dead-line is drawn through the lodge and another parallel, 15 feet away, for a firing-line. The boy who is "it," or "keeper," perches his bean bag or rat on the lodge. The others stand at the firing-line and throw their bean bags at his. They must not pick them up or touch them with their hands when they are beyond the dead-line. If one does, then the keeper can tag him (unless he reaches the firing-line) and send him to do duty as keeper at the lodge. But they can coax their rats with their feet up to the deadline, not beyond, then watch for a chance to dodge back to the firing-line, where they are safe at all times. If the rat is knocked off by anyone in fair firing, the keeper is powerless till he has replaced it. Meantime, most of the players have secured their rats and got back safe to the firing-line. Sometimes it is played with round stones and is called "Duck on a Rock." See Also:Duck on a Rock |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.