Big Lodge Ranks
The first three ranks must be taken in order.
Wayseeker. To qualify for the Big Lodge-that is, to enter as a Wayseeker, one must
Having passed this, the candidate becomes a Wayseeker and receives the Big Lodge badge of the lowest rank.
Pathfinder. This is the next higher rank. To win the rank of Pathfinder, the Wayseeker must have won 12 coups, 3 under each Lamp. When these tests have been satisfactorily passed, the member is called out in Council, the Guide then in charge reads a list of the coups won, cuts from the horned shield the green tassels and burns them, hands the candidate a thread of scarlet silk to be embroidered--a red spot--in the doorway of the teepee, saying as he does so: "Thus do I, acting for the Council, take away the green tassels of inexperience, and with this silk, I light your teepee fire. You are now a Pathfinder." A Sagamore is one who has won 24 coups and must be at least 14 years of age. A Grand Sagamore is one who has won 24 grand coups. An Eagle Sagamore is one with 36 coups. A Sachem is one with 48 coups. A Grand Sachem has 48 grand coups. An Eagle Sachem has 72 coups. A Sachem Ipawa is one with 100 coups. Local tribes are authorized to confer the ranks of Wayseeker and of Pathfinder. Before taking any action on claims for the rank of Sagamore or higher ranks, the Head Guide must forward to the Field Council of the District (if in the district of a Field Council; otherwise to National Headquarters) the original coup claims. The Committee on Honors will there pass upon them, make record of same and return them to the local group. Without their action, these titles may not be approved or conferred. [See Woodcraft Badges] |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.