Knuckle Dabsters
By Dan Beard
Every boy who plays marbles should possess a knuckle dabster; these can be made from bits of soft woolen cloth, felt, or the skin of small animals. Moleskins make the softest and prettiest of knuckle dabsters, but any piece of fur will answer. Some boys wear them fastened to the hand, but the most expert players seem to prefer to throw them down at the spot from which they are about to shoot and then knuckle down on the soft fur or woolen cloth.
A knuckle dabster prevents one's knuckles from becoming sore and raw, and adds greatly to the comfort of the player. Your sister, mother, aunt, or grandmother can in a few moments stitch two pieces of thick, soft cloth together for you when marble time arrives, and if they will add to this favor by making you
A Marble Bagwith strings to draw the mouth together, you are ready for the season. The marble bag should be small enough to slip into your pocket, where it will prevent the loss of many marbles that might work their way through that hole that is always to be found in a boy's pocket after he has worn his clothes for a short time.
I remember how I used to plan leather and buckskin pockets that would not wear out, and I made up my mind that when I was old enough to make money and buy my own clothes the tailor should be instructed to put in leather pockets. Alas I when I reached that age it took so much cash to buy the clothes that there was never enough in the pockets to wear them out. |
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