Drums and Shields
By Ernest Thompson Seton
In the Book of Woodcraft, I have given instructions for the making of both drums and shields, but have not gone into full details of the decoration. The accompanying Plate (Fig. 91) offers eight designs which are Indian; that is, of Indian elements, although no one of them is an exact copy of an Indian design, so that each is authentic in detail, but not in its entirety. I found that the most beautiful Indian designs were too complex for general use; and no one wants those that are not beautiful. These are offered as equally suitable for drum head or shield. As in the other Plates, horizontal lining means blue; upright, red; black is given as black or double cross-hatched lines; spotting is yellow; short upright lines mean the ground color of yellow or brownish, as wood or leather. An experienced artist should feel free to make such changes in color as appeal to his taste; but not in the forms. |
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