The questions which follow cover the Tenderfoot Requirements. Most of the
answers were taken from the first six chapters of the Handbook for Boys. Ask
Candidates to read those chapters. You could hardly expect the brightest of boys
to know all the answers from one reading, yet all of them will learn many of the
answers by playing any one of the three games described on pages following the
First read these questions and answers and then decide which of the games to
use in your Troop.
1. Is this true - The Scout's Code includes the Scout Oath and Law, and the
Scout Motto and the Scout Slogan? - Yes. A real Scout knows and practices all of
2. In what part of the Scout Oath does the Scout Motto appear? No part - the
Motto is "Be Prepared."
3. Must a Scout attend the church of his choice? Yes - he must do his duty to
God, for a "Scout is Reverent."
4. Before I count to ten name the fifth point of the Scout Law. A Scout is
5. In what way would you be practicing the 1 lth point of the Scout Law if
you rescued a baby from a burning building? In no way - "A Scout is
Clean" is the 11 th point.
6. What, if any, is the difference between the Scout Slogan and Scout Motto?
"Do a Good Turn Daily" is the Slogan; the Motto is "Be
7. Tell what a Good Turn had to do with getting Scouting started in the
United States. An English Boy Scout did a Good Turn for an American Publisher,
(William D. Boyce) and as a result the publisher brought Scouting to America.
8. Of what do the three points on the upper part of the Scout badge remind
you? The three parts of the Scout Oath.
9. Why does a Scout wear his badge upside down; and when does he turn it
right side up? Wearing it upside down reminds him to do a Good Turn, and after
he has done it, he turns his badge right side up.
10. What does the knot on the bottom of your Scout Badge remind you to do? A
Good Turn every day.
11. Is a Scout supposed to wear his Uniform in school? Yes - on occasions
such as Scout Week.
12. If a Scout wears a broad rimmed campaign hat, does he have a badge sewn,
or pinned, on the hat? Neither - no badge of ANY kind is worn on a campaign hat.
13. Is a Boy Scout permitted to wear a Cub Scout Badge of any kind on his Boy
Scout Uniform? Yes - the Webelos.
14. When does a Scout in Uniform tip his hat or cap to the Flag of the United
States of America? Never - salute when you are in Uniform.
15. When do you give the Scout Sign with your arm raised high over your head?
Never - you always give it like this. (Now show him how to do it.)
16. With which hand should a Scout shake hands? Both. - left for Scout
Handclasp; right, otherwise.
17. Name at least five leaders of a Patrol, including the Patrol Leader. Some
of the possible leaders include: Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Scribe,
Treasurer, Quartermaster, Hike-master, Grub-master, and a Song or Cheer Leader.
18. Name at least 4 of the 9 offices listed in Handbook for Boys that a Scout
or Explorer may hold in a Troop. Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol
Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader, Troop Scribe, Troop Bugler,
Troop Cheer Leader, Troop Librarian, Troop Quartermaster.
19. Name at least 3 Troop positions held by men. Scoutmaster, Assistant
Scoutmaster, Chairman of Troop Committee, Member of Troop Committee, and some
Troops have a Chaplain.
20. What must you live up to while you are a Tenderfoot to pass the Second
Class Requirements? The Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan.
21. Name 5 of the 20 things you must do to be come a Second Class Scout.
Practice Scout Spirit, Work in Patrol and Troop. Help at Home, take care of
belongings, save money, pass hike clothing inspection, know hiking methods, know
simple first aid, use compass, know length of step, read a map, prepare fire
wood, lay a cooking fire, cook meat and vegetable, clean up, track a person,
follow a trail, stalk a Scout, know wildlife, take a hike.
22. Are First Class Requirements similar to or very different from Second
Class? Very similar.
23. Where does the doctor nearest this meeting place live? (Scoutmaster will
supply answer.)
24. Where is the office of the sheriff or police nearest your home?
(Scoutmaster will supply answer.)
25. If the house you are living in were on fire, how and where would you
report it? (Scoutmaster will supply answer.)
26. How many white and how many red stripes in the Flag of the United States
of America? 6 white, 7 Red.
27. Who designed Old Glory, and what woman helped him? George Washington and
Betsy Ross.
28. On what side should the American Flag be placed when it and the Troop
Flag are posted in the Troop Meeting place? Left of audience, right of stage.
29. When the American Flag is hanging on a wall in the front of a room, on
which side of the audience should the stars be, right or left. Left.
30. Why did Congress decide to make June 14th Flag Day? Because Congress
adopted the Flagon June 14, 1777.
31. How should the Flag be raised and lowered? Up quickly, down slowly.
32. What must you keep out of small cuts and scratches? Dirt and germs.
33. If you had to make a sterile dressing in the woods out of your shirt
tail, how would you sterilize it? Scorch it with a match, or boil it.
34. What is the most important thing to always remember and always do about a
cooking fire? Put it out.
35. How big a spot should you clear away before you light a fire? Clear a
spot at least 10 feet in diameter and lay the fire in the center of it.
36. What gets into the cuts in living trees the same as with people who get
cut? Germs and disease. That's why real Scouts never hack or cut a live tree.
37. What kind of trees can Scouts cut without doing any damage? Small Dead
38. What knot should a Scout use in tying a band age? Square Knot.
39. Which Tenderfoot knots must you tie around something? Tie a clove hitch
and two half hitches around a post or rail, and a bowline around your waist.
40. Name three Tenderfoot knots that may be used for tying two ropes
together. Square, sheet bend, and a small bowline may be tied on the end of one
piece of rope, and the end of the second rope passed through the loop and then
secured with another bowline.
41. If you were joining two ropes unequal in diameter with a sheet bend,
would you put a bight in the larger or the smaller rope? Always put the bight in
the larger rope.
42. What knot do you tie most frequently? Square bow in your shoe string if
you know how; otherwise you tie a granny bow.
43. How can a boy become a member of the Boy Scouts of America without being
a Boy Scout? By becoming a Cub Scout or an Explorer.