by Ernest Thompson SetonSpot the Rabbit 3 times out of 5 at 30 yards, also distinguish and map out correctly 6 Pleiades and see clearly the "Papoose (Alcor) on the Squaw's (Mizar) back," for coup. Spot the Rabbit 3 times out of 5 at 40 yards, and as above for 7 Pleiades and Papoose, for grand coup. Those who habitually wear glasses, may use them in this test. Make a 75 score in 10 tries in the game of Quick-sight, with 10 counters, for coup. A 95 score, for grand coup. (See: Far Sight, or Spot the Rabbit.) For Further Information, See: The Birch Bark Roll |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.