Closing Ceremonies
| Make the closing ceremony itself brief and dignified. Time it in such a way that it ends the meeting as close to the appointed hour as possible. End it with a note of quiet inspiration. The flag of the United States has a place in many closing ceremonies. Several of the ceremonies suggested for openings may be used in closing. Many troops use "Taps" or a similar soft evening song (See Also: Taps in Indian Sign Language). Often the Scoutmaster brings the meeting to its close with the Scout Benediction, whereupon the boys are dismissed by troop, by patrols, or occasionally by rank- the Eagle Scouts first, then Life, Star, First Class, and so on. Close your meeting with the troop singing "Taps" unaccompanied--or led by a muffled bugle--the lights dimmed. Or use two bugles, one giving the call, the other the echo effect. Each boy slowly raises his outstretched hands in front of him during the first two lines, then lowers them again during the rest of the song. Troop formation, Scout Benediction: "May the Great Master (all make gesture toward heaven) of all Scouts (inclusive gesture from right to left at height of shoulder) be with you till we meet again (right hands being brought to hearts and heads bowed)." Form a circle. Have each boy make the Scout sign and with his left hand grasp the lifted right wrist of his left neighbor. Recite the Scout Law or a troop pledge. Bring all Scouts to attention. Give the order, "Fall in alphabetically within the patrols," upon which the Scouts scramble into line as nearly as they can make it in the alphabetical order of their surnames. This will merge the game period into the closing. Finish with America yell ("A-M-E-R-I-C-A, Boy SCOUTS, BOY Scouts, U-S-A"), followed by Sky Rocket ("Ssss," the hiss of the rising rocket; "Boom," the bursting; and then the soft exclamation as it spreads, "Ah-h," and the terrific boy-satisfying yell, "Scout!") Retire the flag with proper ceremony, using bugle. If you have no bugle, whistle "To the Colors." One round of patrol calls. Troop yell. Scoutmaster: "Good night to you." Scouts: "Good night to you, sir." Form a brotherhood circle, arms around each other's shoulders. Song leader leads troop in the Scout Vesper song or similar good-night song. When the song is ended, Scouts leave the room in silence. Form a circle. Each Scout crosses arms in front of himself, grasps his neighbors' hands. Sing "Auld Lang Syne," swaying bodies softly in rhythm. Troop in line. The Scoutmaster says, "Be Prepared." All Scouts respond in unison, "We are prepared!" See Also:Closing Exercises |
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