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Site Contents

AC Advancement Chair

AC Area Commissioner

ACA American Canoe Association

ACM Assistant Cubmaster

AD Aquatic/Area Director

ADL Assistant Den Leader

AM Adult Member

ARC American Red Cross

ASE Assistant Scout Executive

ASM Assistant Scoutmaster

AWDL Assistant Webelos Den Leader

BALOO Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (precursor to Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills if you've never been camping)

BL Boy's Life

BOR Board of Review

CA Chaplin Aide

CAC Council Advancement Chair

CC Committee Chair

CD Camp/Climbing Director

CG Chief Guide

CM Committee Member/Cubmaster

CO Chartered Organization

CoH/COH Court of Honor

COPE Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience

COR Chartered Organization Representative

CoS Climb On Safely

CP Council President

CSDC Cub Scout Day Camp

CSE Chief Scout Executive

DAC District Advancement Chair

DC District Chair/Committee/Commissioner or Den Chief

DD District Director)

DE District Executive

DL Den Leader

EBOR Eagle Board of Review

FD Field Director

G2SS Guide to Safe Scouting

GSUSA Girl Scouts (USA)

GTA Good Turn for America

IH Institutional Head (top person in the chartering organization)

IOLS Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills

Irving the National Council, based on the headquarters location in Texas)

JLT Junior Leader Training (now Troop Leader Training)

KS Kitchen Staff

LNT Leave No Trace

MB Merit Badge

MC Alternate form of Committee Member (sometimes CM)

NAUI National Association of Underwater Instructors (see also PADI)

NC National Commissioner

NCS National Camp School

NLE New Leader Essentials

NOLS National Outdoor Leadership School

NRA National Rifle Association

NYLT National Youth Leadership Training (nothing to do with New York)

OA Order of the Arrow

OM Operations Manager

PADI Professional Association of Diving Instructors (see also NAUI)

PL Patrol Leader

POR Position of Responsibility -- required to hold in a troop for so many months to advance in each rank past First Class

PT Pack Trainer

QM Quartermaster

RC Regional Commissioner

RT Roundtable

RTC Roundtable Commissioner

SA Alternate form of Assistant Scoutmaster (sometimes ASM)

SA Safety Afloat

SDI SCUBA Diving International

SE Scout Executive

SM Scoutmaster

SMC Scoutmaster Conference

SPL Senior Patrol Leader

SS Sea Scout

SSD Shooting Sports Director

SSD Safe Swim Defense

Supply Those who produce/distribute items for the Scout shops

T21 Tenderfoot to First Class -- a guide for taking boys from beginning scouts to earning First Class

TCC Troop Committee Challenge

TCD Trainer Development Conference

TDL Tiger Den Leader

TG Troop Guide

TL Tiger (Den) Leader)

TLT Troop Leader Training

Trail's End The people who make that popcorn

UC Unit Commissioner

VC Venturing Crew

WAGGGS World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

WB Wood Badge

WCA World Conservation Award

WDL Webelos Den Leader

WEBELOS We'll be loyal scouts

WFA Wilderness First Aid

WFD Water Front Director

WFR Wilderness First Responder

WOE Webelos Outdoor Experience

YM Youth Member

YP Youth Protection (Training)

YPT Youth Protection Training






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Peer- Level Topic Links:
Scouting  Methods ] Training Trainers ] Scout Alumni for the Troop ] School Presentation ] Homesick Scouts ] Commandments for Camp ] Woodcraft Men Women ] Burnout! ] Youth Protection ] BSA Federal Charter ] Fundraising ] [ Acronyms ]

Parent- Level Topic Links:
Traditional Scouting ] Patrol Method ] Adults ] Advancement ] Ideals ] Leadership ] Uniforms ] Outdoor Skills ]

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Scout Books Trading Post

Dead Bugs, Blow Guns, Sharp Knives, & Snakes:
What More Could A Boy Want?

Old School Scouting:
What to Do, and How to Do It!

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Last modified: October 15, 2016.