By Robert De Groat
Detail of Totem
Three crouching human figures with headds, part human, form the
principle design of the wolf head totem, left.
The lower one has a broad nose, projecting front teeth, and
animal ears.
The principle figure has upon its head one of those cylindrical
objects of a blue color which are placed on dance hats, and against this leans
the next figure, whose feet cannot be seen. It has a hooked nose turning
into the mouth, and the ears of an animal.
The third figure is squatting with its arms and legs in a
sitting position, and has a wolf's head.
In all three figures, arms, legs, mouth, face, nostrils, and
ear-holes are scarlet. Eyebrows, eyeballs and edges of ears are black.

Meaning of Totem Pole Colors
WHITE: This color is used, along with other
light colors, as a background and predominating shade. As a rule it symbolized the
skies and spacious heavens. It also stood for purity, peace, and death.
Red: Generally this color stands for blood, war or valor.
Sometimes it is used as appears in nature, such as the crest of a red-headed
woodpecker, the scarlet tanager or frequently the tongue of an animal.
Blue: This color was most commonly used as the symbol for the
rivers, waters, and lakes, also the skies. Certain tribes even used used it for
mountains in the distance. It stands for sincerity and happiness. Berries formed a
large portion of the natural materials for this color. Western clay and pigments of
the canyons also lent varying hues to this effective color.
Yellow: The natural abundant materials made this color a very
popular and predominating one. Clays, roots, and tannic barks furnished the natives with
dyes. Yellow reflects the symbol of the sun, light and happiness. Yellow dye
is readily make from tree moss.
Green: It may easily be realized that this color represents
the earth, the hills, the trees, and mountains, so common in all Indian legends.
This color may be obtained by mixing two primary colors, yellow and blue, or it may be
made from simple acid action on copper. In certain sections of the west and northwest
copper was rather abundant. Other parts of the country used the juice of grasses.

Huckleberries give a very good
substance for dyeing and the Indians used this commonly. Purple is an excellent color for
recessed Portions of the carving and for symbols of a reverent nature. It stood for
mountains in the distance and general conventionalized signs.
BLACK: Mud from sulphur springs and other earth deposits made
this color available to the Indian. As a rule it stood for power.
Painting the Totem
After the pole or object of craftsmanship has been completed and the incised parts
carefully cleaned out to give sharp, distinct markings and shadows, preparations for
painting should start.
Where knots are conspicuous and when fairly unseasoned wood has been used, it is
advisable to give them a coating of shellac to prevent the resin from running out and
spoiling the finished effect.
Be sure the object is clean and that all particles of dust and dirt have been removed.
There are two common ways of painting the pole. One is while it is on the horses
or on the ground, and the other method is to paint it after it is erected. If the
pole is fairly short a better finished job can be accomplished after it has been erected,
as nicks and rope rubs will be avoided.

Some people, however, prefer to paint even large poles after they are
erected, contending that one can see the pole as it looks from a distance, and thus make
improvements in color effects not realized or visualized in the rough preliminary studies
and sketches. You can see in the illustration (Treasure Island Philadelphia
Camp) that this Scout preferred to paint the pole after it was up and has used the
steeplejack method of slinging a rope around and adjusting it as he painted.
The Indians originally used pigments made from clay and roots. The colors were
very bright and became subdued after the pole had weathered several winters. The
symbolism of the colors changed a little in different parts of the United States.
Therefore we have attempted to give only a general meaning to the prevalent shades.
There are three primary colors--red, blue, and yellow. From these three colors
any other colors may be created by the correct combination and mixing. However,
nowadays colors come already mixed in practically any shade you desire, at a price that
depends mainly on the quality.
For large camp work a reasonably priced paint is perfectly good enough.
On pieces of carving or other objects mentioned in the discussion of Craftsmanship Gifts, etc.,
it will often be better to use a more expensive grade of paint. Enamels, lacquer,
Duco and common show-card colors may be used, the object, the object cannot be subjected to
much handling or water as the tempera (show-card color) is not permanent.