Meeting Room Safety
This might be used annually as a means of creating a situation 'which will make both men and boys think and act to improve their Troop meeting place. Furthermore, with parent cooperation it will carry over into homes. A supply of Troop Meeting Place Inspection Forms will be needed for the contest. If you cannot get them from your Local Council Office, apply to the Health and Safety Service to the National Council. Discuss the contest at a PLC and let each PL take a form home to study, Preparation of Meeting RoomBefore the Scouts arrive at meeting place set up very obvious hazards, such as, close all windows, place litter and obstructions on stairways, extinguish some lights, lock exits, place common drinking cup on sink, place oily rags in out-of-the-way places, remove screen from fireplace, put loose rug at door, put board with nail sticking up in corner behind door, put notice on bulletin board announcing, "Fire drills will be discontinued," hide the Troop First Aid Kit, etc. The ContestThe contest is to see which Patrol can detect the most of these things and suggest the most ways to improve the meeting room, such as, place metal sheets behind and under stove, mark exits, provide drinking fountain or cups, provide facilities for washing and drying hands, toilet facilities, proper lighting facilities, secure fire-fighting apparatus, etc. Individual ObservationExplain the contest and then let the Scouts go where they please and make their observations without saying a single word. When an assembly signal is given all Scouts meet in their Patrol Corners where they report their observations to the Patrol Scribe, who records them. The Patrol having the most correct observations of errors and suggestions for improvements is pronounced the winner. TipsRemember to suggest to Scouts that they conduct a private inspection of their own homes, report their findings to their parents and offer to help make improvements. If you know a member of the Local Council Health and Safety Committee, he may appreciate an invitation to visit your Troop and act as a judge of this contest. If you have not been conducting fire drills, rest assured that the Patrols will suggest it and be ready to participate wholeheartedly after the contest. Why not ask Scouts who are interested in Firemanship merit badge to get together and devise and present details of a Troop Fire Drill? Practice in Transporting the InjuredSince races are not recommended the Scoutmaster asks, "What shall I do to make this subject interesting, so that my Scouts will practice the transportation of the injured?" First, teach your Patrol Leaders various methods of transportation in a PLC, with the understanding that they will instruct their Patrol members at the next Troop meeting. Every member of each Patrol is given a place on at least one team. These teams, one from each Patrol, demonstrate various methods of carrying injured patients in front of the Troop. After the demonstration any Scout who thinks he observed an error calls attention to it. Chair Carry No. 1This carry probably is used more frequently by Scouts than any other to transport fellow-Scouts who are afflicted with injured ankles or blistered feet. Chair Carry No. 2This carry is used to transport more seriously injured persons too weak to throw their arms around the Scouts carrying them. Additional CarriesFor other carries see Pack Strap Carry, Three-Man Carry and Six-Man Stretcher Carry illustrated on opposite page. Bandaging PracticeApply the same ideas and principles described for transporting the injured when teaching bandaging. In the treatment of either severe or minor cuts the object of the bandage is to hold a dressing in place, so make sure Scouts understand this and that they use compresses. Similarly, use improved splints when bandaging imaginary fractures. |
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Last modified: October 15, 2016.