Circle Games
Circle GamesLock Arm TagMen form circle two deep, each two locking arms. An extra man starts as runner, another being "It." The runner locks arms with one of the couples, making it necessary for the third man to become the runner. Broncho TagForm circle, two deep. Rear man places arms around waist of man in front. Runner and man "It" on outside. Runner attempts to catch on to rear man, making front man of the two the runner. The name of this game comes from the fact that the men turn and twist away, attempting to prevent runner from attaching to rear man. Basketball TagThe circle of men is formed, one man "It" in the center. Men in the circle pass the ball around in any direction, preventing the man in center from tagging the ball. If ball is tagged, last man to touch same is "It" and goes in center of circle. (Game can be played with indoor baseball, volley ball, soccer or medicine ball.) Spinning the HunMen form circle, sitting, getting knees high, forming as closely together as possible. Man in center of circle is the Hun. He stiffens body with arms at side. He is spun around circle until some man weakens and drops him, who must then replace man In center. Medicine Ball Croquet--(Can be played with basketball)Men form circle In straddle position. Man center of circle attempts to throw balls between legs. Swat TagMen form circle, with hands held open behind back. A knotted towel, old boxing glove, or Swat Club can be used for this game. Man "It" places club in hand and of someone in the circle, who proceeds to hit man to the right of him until player has run around circle, returning to his position. (Players are not allowed to look around but, must have eyes straight ahead.) Circle JumpMen form circle, spreading out. Man "It" lies on ground in center spinning a rope with a weight attached to end at about 12 inches height. Men in circle must jump this rope as it comes in their direction. Man missing replaces man In center of circle. Medicine Ball PassSame game as basketball tag, with exception that ball must be passed to man next, either right or left. Medicine Ball Bound--(Can be played with basketball)Ball bounced back and forth to any man in circle in attempt to prevent man in center from recovering ball. Medicine Ball Run-AroundEach man in circle is numbered. Number 1 runs around circle to right, tossing ball to second man, and others continue until all have run around circle. This game is for a competitive race between two teams of equal numbers, forming separate circles. (Other combinations of this game can be used, such as ball tucked between legs, butting ball with head around circle, etc.) Mount BallPlayers form two deep; heavier men act as horses lighter men as riders, run around circle, returning to place, the rider passing ball that he has carried to the next rider, so continuing. Dodge BallCompetition between two teams. One team forms large circle. Other team gathers on-inside of circle. Outside team attempts to hit each player in center with ball until all are hit, men in center attempting to dodge ball. When all are hit, teams change positions. Winner is decided on length of time taken to tag all men on inside. Circle RaceAt command "Go," all players-in circle run to the right in an attempt to pass the man in front of him from the outside; if managing to do so he slaps him on the chest and player so slapped is eliminated. Give command suddenly, "To the rear," and all must reverse verse direction of race. Channel TagAll players in circle face to the right, standing straddle position. Ball is passed between legs from man to man, either forward or backward, in attempt to keep it away from man "It," who is in the center the circle. Double Swat TagSame rules as In Swat Tag, except that two swat swatters are used and two men are "It." Bear In a PitCircle Is formed, players joining hands. Player "It" in center of circle attempts to climb over or under clasped hands of those forming circle. Pull Into CirclePlayers form in a circle, clasping hands, around small circle of four feet diameter marked on the ground. An attempt is made to pull those next to them into this marked circle. By placing one or both feet into this circle, a player Is eliminated. Change Place TagEach player In the circle Is numbered. Play "It" in center of the circle calls the number of two the players, who immediately must change places. Player who is "It" attempts to get place of one of the two men. Player so replaced is then "It." Horse and RiderMen form a circle two deep; front man in circle acts as horse, rear man as rider. When men are mounted, ball is passed around or across the circle by riders, horses attempting to make them miss. If a rider fails to catch the ball, any horse can hit a rider with ball. In case rider is hit, all men change places, horses thereby becoming riders. If missed, they continue as before. Ripley's Games For Boy Scouts |
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