By Dan Beard
Fig. 170
Rudder, with Tiller Lines.
Fasten the remaining bow-piece securely over the ends of your side boards,
and the nose of your craft is finished.
Put a good, heavy keel on your boat by screwing it tightly in the stern to
the hardwood rudder-post that is fastened to the center of the stern; bolt your
keel with four iron bolts to the bottom of the boat, and the ship is ready to
launch, after which she can be equipped with sails and oars.
Of course, you understand that all nail holes and crevices should be puttied
up, and it paint is used, it must be applied before wetting the boat. But if you
have done your work well, there will be little need of paint or putty to make it
tight after the wood has swelled in the water. Fasten your rudder on with hooks
and screw-eyes, and make it as shown in the diagram (Fig.
165). Step your
mainmast in the bow through a round hole in the deck and a square hole in the
step, which must, of course, be screwed tightly to the bottom before the bow is
decked over.
Step your jigger or dandy-mast in the stern after the same manner. These
masts should neither of them be very large, and are intended to be removed at
pleasure by unstepping them, that is, simply pulling them out of their sockets.
An outrigger will be found necessary for your dandy-sail, and since the deck aft
is below the sides of the boat, a block of wood will have to be nailed to the
deck to the starboard or right-hand side of the rudder-post. If the builder
chooses, he can make the decks flush with the sides of the boat, and thus avoid
blocks. A couple of staples for the out-rigger to slip through are next in
order. They must be fastened firmly in the block or stick of wood just nailed to
the deck. A similar arrangement can be made for the bowsprit, but as it is a
movable bowsprit, and the stem of the boat is in the way, put it to the port or
left-hand side of the stem of the craft (Fig. 169).