By Dan BeardA Long Island I Spy, with a WicketAfter "It " has been chosen by one of the usual methods he selects a tree, fence, lamp-post, or the corner of a house for his den, home, or goal. First leaning a stick against home, "It" turns his face to his den, and, covering his eyes with his hands, counts five hundred by fives as rapidly as possible, while the other boys run and hide. At the end of the count he shouts "Five hundred, coming, ready or not!" As in ordinary I Spy, or Hi Spy as the boys term it "It" searches for the other boys, and when he discovers a playmate he rushes home to his den, and, placing his hands upon the goal, shouts "One, two, three!" and calls the boy's name that he has spied. If the hider discovered by "It" does not reach home or kick the stick over before "It" finishes his sentence the hider is caught, and "it" goes out to seek the others, and the game goes on. "It's" power to move is governed by the stick, for, while that is down, he is out allowed to spy anyone. Consequently be guards the stick with great care for fear some hider-out may rush in and kick it over. When a hider-out succeeds in kicking the stick over without being caught, then these who have previously been caught are free, and all that are in go out and hide again while "It" is fixing the overthrown stick. Often one of the players will bide within ten paces of the den, and as soon as "It" leaves his goal the boy inside the ten-pace limit rushes in, kicks over the wicket, and is free. To guard against this last move "It" sometimes shouts "Anybody hiding around my den is "It." The boy, if there is one, who is hiding within the limit of ten paces is now "It," and the former "It" goes out and hides. Frequently it happens that the last boy out succeeds in knocking over the stick before "It" can prevent him. This, of course, frees all that have been previously caught, and all rush out and hide again. When at last all the boys are caught or in free a new game is started with the first one caught in the last game for "It." OHB |
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